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Thyroid Anxiety Identified Thanks To My Thyamily

Post Published: 18 February 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 11 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Other People’s Thyroids,

I want to thank you. Why?,  you may ask? Well, through reading some of your letters and comments I realized something that I did not realize before: I do seem to have a little anxiety issue. I always thought,  well that is not me. Glad I do not have that symptom. But, through your honesty and openness and my,  reflection,  I,  realized that I do. I am so grateful to know this because now I can deal with it in hopefully healthy ways. I want to take care of me, but I do not want to let my thyroid dominate me, so I miss out on fun. I want to be able to go and visit family and friends and take shopping trips without the dread and fear.  And then the disappointment of missing out;,  I want to take my daughter to visit her cousins more so they can build lasting,  relationships. I need to step out of my comfort zone and be okay with it.

In my own little community I feel safe and happy. Everything I need to do is five to ten minutes away from me. But you see I live on an island that requires a ride on the ferry to the mainland where all my loved ones live. And instead of dreading going to see them and spend the night with them, I so want to be at peace with it.  I want to stop stressing about it and l want learn to go with the flow. That has never been easy for me.

So, I thank you for helping bring this issue to my attention. I am going to TRY to work on this. It may not be easy for me. But I have got to give,  this a go. My love to all,  you,  thyroids out there!

And, see, just see what community does!



(Bio) My name is Amy. I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. I am 27 years old. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s a year and a half ago and insulin resistance three months ago. I live happily in the San Juan Islands, WA as a stay at home mom.

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11 Responses to “Thyroid Anxiety Identified Thanks To My Thyamily”

  1. Kathy says:

    Hi Amy! If you’re like me, it probably made you anxious to share your thoughts in a letter. Who would ever think that anxiety, OCD and the host of other issues we bear would be related to our thyroids. One of the ways that I work through my anxiety is to first, acknowledge that it’s there. I’ve lived through it before, and I will make it through this time. I look at what I do have control over in my life and celebrate that. I remember not too long ago having to read something in a public venue. I’ve done it for years, but this time, my knees were too weak, my voice to shaky. I was already out there in front of everyone..I couldn’t run out?! So, I just took a breath, spoke a little more slowly..got through the whole thing, and afterwards, felt like I had climbed a tall mountain peak. Sometimes, I make myself just DO things, thankful that I can even feel the anxiety feelings at all. There have been times that I have been completely numb. I know I’m there, but I cannot connect. Keep talking. Keep doing. One little thing at a time. And, when it’s good, give yourself a well deserved pat on the back.. and when it’s not so good..just chuck it out to some absurdity that crept in. It’s over and done with. Tomorrow, or even later today will be much better. Thanks for sharing. I haven’t been in a good place myself to share lately, so you are waking me up to open up. We’re all here for you, Amy.

  2. diane says:

    I can relate – as a person who loves to drive – I am terrified of getting in the car and on the highway. I do it but I am a right lane driver. Some days I am old self – bit they I feel are becoming few and far between..

  3. dearthyroid says:

    Kathy –

    Excellent points regarding so many thyroid related otherissues and sharing them. Though scary, so many of us benefit by learning we aren’t alone. Every author is so very brave for sharing themselves via their Dear Thyroid Letters. They are such a gift to all of us.

    Beautiful support and point.


  4. dearthyroid says:

    Diane – When the gap between bad days and good days seems to get larger, how do you manage it? What do you do to overcome it?

    Those moments of feeling like ourselves, though rare, incredibly empowering, right?

    Thanks for sharing more of you with us.


  5. Joanna says:


    What a great letter. Thanks for your perspective. It’s so easy to do what’s comfortable all the time. But I agree with you–we miss out on some good stuff when we only do what’s comfortable. I truly admire your new outlook. Thanks for your bravery and encouragement!


  6. Great letter, Amy! I love how this community supports each other and helps each other to learn that they are not alone. I wish you all the best with your new endeavour! It’s so easy to stress out and be afraid that we will never feel better, but we can’t afford to give up hope.



  7. Joanna, so well said. Disease has a propensity to make us turn inward, making it impossible to see the bigger picture and life outside of our own reality.

    Additionally, IMO, by connecting with other patients, Amy’s letter drives the point home that we do learn from each other. This not only connects us more to each other, but helps us manage our own diseases.

    Like you, love Amy’s outlook.


  8. Sarah;

    Oh, this is soooo true! It’s so easy to stress out and be afraid that we will never feel better, but we can’t afford to give up hope.

    Thanks for reminding us of that, something forgotten all too often by me.


  9. Amy says:

    Thanks for all the kind comments and encouragement! It really is easy to get too stressed out about things. I am trying to not go down that road. Has been pretty good. I am glad that I realized this issue while it was still “young”. I think it could have manifested into something much worse. I have been off-island three times since I wrote this letter and once was a little shopping time w/my sis(although not long enough). I also let my daughter go spend two nights w/my sis and before this really freaked me out. But, I was ready.

    Diane, I hate driving b/c my leg cramps up and I was using that against myself.

    I love community! I belong to a few and they are lifelines for me!

    I will not lose hope! W/o hope, I have nothing. And I desperately need something to hold out for…

  10. Lolly says:

    Amy great inspirational letter and it must have taken alot to admit that you have suffered or are still suffering from anxiety associated with this disease.

    My worse anxiety was I couldn’t keep still Hyper,flitting from one thing to another never completing anything Including a sentence, I thought I was going insane,the sudeen outburst the rages the tears. until I was dx then it all made senses..

  11. Hey, i really know how it is to have a problem like this. I’ve struggling from this since a few months with the normal ups and downs so i really know its not fun when you have a true problem like this. At a forum i found out some people were pretty happy about a remedie they got of the net and i also ordered it when i found those pills at – herbalhealingstore dot com -. So believe me, these pills do work, you just have to get the good ones!

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