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Thyme For Some Literary Healing, Post Thyroidectomy, Do You Wonder Where Your Thyroid Is

Post Published: 19 April 2010
Category: Literary Healing for Thyroid Patients, Relationships with our thyroids, Thyme for literary healing
This post currently has 10 responses. Leave a comment
Ericka’s letter, Nothing Was Wrong”, got us thinking and talking about our own experiences related to life without a thyroid or without a functioning thyroid, and how that re-shaped and informed our days, both past and present.
Today, let’s get literary about a few things. Are you up for answering a few questions? We thought you would be, considering you’re the most thylicious, articulate and soulful writers out there.
1. If you’ve had a thyroidectomy, do you think about where your thyroid is, and imagine a separate life for it? If so, tell us about the life you’ve imagined your thyroid leading.
2. If you haven’t had a thyroidectomy, and you have a thyroid disorder or thyroid cancer, do you imagine your thyroid having a ‘secret life’? If so, tell us about that life.
3. What has your thyroid stolen from you?
4. What has your thyroid given you?
Ready, set, go!

Ericka’s letter, “Nothing Was Wrong“, got us thinking and talking about our own experiences related to life without a thyroid or without a functioning thyroid, and how that re-shaped and informed our days, both past and present.

Today, let’s get literary about a few things. Are you up for answering a few questions? We thought you would be, considering you’re the most thylicious, articulate and soulful writers out there.

  1. If you’ve had a thyroidectomy, do you think about where your thyroid is, and imagine a separate life for it? If so, tell us about the life you’ve imagined your thyroid leading.
  2. If you haven’t had a thyroidectomy, and you have a thyroid disorder or thyroid cancer, do you imagine your thyroid having a ‘secret life’? If so, tell us about that life.
  3. What has your thyroid stolen from you?
  4. What has your thyroid given you?

Ready, set, write your hearts out!

Aside: Please continue supporting,  Dr. Sarah Myhill, to end the witch hunt for this fine doctor in the UK.

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10 Responses to “Thyme For Some Literary Healing, Post Thyroidectomy, Do You Wonder Where Your Thyroid Is

  1. Christina says:

    I love this “game”!

    1.If you’ve had a thyroidectomy, do you think about where your thyroid is, and imagine a separate life for it? If so, tell us about the life you’ve imagined your thyroid leading.

    I, ´ve got Hashimotos, so no thyroidectomy.Thyroid is still there.Kind of.

    2.If you haven’t had a thyroidectomy, and you have a
    thyroid disorder or thyroid cancer, do you imagine your thyroid having a ‘secret life’? If so, tell us about that life.

    Oh yes.It indeed has a secret life. I sometimes think it looks like in one of those old war movies inside my neck.Thyroid is bending over a table with a huge map on it trying to figure where to strike next until it has taken over every single part of my body.

    3.What has your thyroid stolen from you?


    4.What has your thyroid given you?

    It made me realize that I have to put myself first.And it helped me figure out who I really am.
    I might be a mess at the moment,but this is who I am. I gave up trying to be normal or pretending to be normal for the sake of the people around me.
    I am and will always be a patient. For the rest of my life I will have to take pills and fight for my well being.This is who I am. Thank you, thyroid, for making me realize that I am important and that I don, ´t have to put my own needs behind for anyone.

  2. Dear Thyroid says:

    Christina – I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the imagery and back-story of your thyroid’s secret life. How totally brilliant and scary.

    I am so sorry about what your thyroid has stolen from you.

    WOW. I got the chills reading about what your thyroid has given to you “Putting yourself first and figuring out who you are”. Christina. You brought tears to my eyes; what an incredible journey.


  3. Ah, I see, if one has a Hashimotos, though the thyroid is still there, but it has a serious attention deficit disorder.

    Here are my answers:

    1. The last known whereabouts of my thyroid was a container labelled “hazardous biological waste” at the University Hospital in Portland, Oregon.

    2. Of course my thyroid has a secret life. Double agent with a licence to kill, chasing beautiful Hashimotos patients somewhere in the Caribbean.

    3. My energy, definitely!

    4. About 24.63 pounds, or the equivalent in kilogramms.

    HD in Oregon

  4. Lolly says:

    1.If you’ve had a thyroidectomy, do you think about where your thyroid is, and imagine a separate life for it? If so, tell us about the life you’ve imagined your thyroid leading.

    I think about it all the time and wonder what havoc it is wreaking now, is it enjoying the seperation because I’m certainly not. Is it getting a sun tan and plenty of VitD because I’m not,I imagine my thyroid living a great life watching me suffer and saying hahaha you fucking sucker thought you’d get rid of me and that would be that, well have I got news for you nothing can ever take my place, my place now is south Africia on safari cus you know I love to shoot crap. I’d send you a post card but don’t think you’d appreciate it somehow.

    2.If you haven’t had a thyroidectomy, and you have a thyroid disorder or thyroid cancer, do you imagine your thyroid having a ‘secret life’? If so, tell us about that life.

    Even though I don’t have my thyroid it’s like losing a leg or arm you still want to scratch that foot because it’s itchy I’m itching to get hold of that little bugger and knock some sense into it but as it;s leading a secret life and hasn’t told me really were it is I have to keep on scratching that leg or arm and just hope It’s not scabies.

    3.What has your thyroid stolen from you?

    My energy my hair my clear eyes,my lovely figure, my memory.
    4. What has your thyroid given you?

    fucking hairs on my Chinnny chin chin. I swear there pubes

  5. lori says:

    1. If you’ve had a thyroidectomy, do you think about where your thyroid is, and imagine a separate life for it? If so, tell us about the life you’ve imagined your thyroid leading.

    I still have my thyroid intact but it does have a serious attention deficit and serious memory problems.

    2. If you haven’t had a thyroidectomy, and you have a thyroid disorder or thyroid cancer, do you imagine your thyroid having a ‘secret life’? If so, tell us about that life.

    I used to design jewelry but since my creativity has been lost somewhere, my thyroid has taken over that job and is busy finding everyone’s thyroid and making it beautiful again, when it’s not being chased in the Caribbean.

    3. What has your thyroid stolen from you?

    4. What has your thyroid given you?
    ME, a whole lot of weight, a whole lot of new wonderful friends, and I forget the rest.

  6. HD – I heart you so much!

    This was fucking awesome, and made me scream. Of course my thyroid has a secret life. Double agent with a licence to kill, chasing beautiful Hashimotos patients somewhere in the Caribbean

    he he he

  7. Lolly – I AM LITERALLY ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING MY ASS OFF RIGHT NOW. OMG. Jelly/belly laughter. You take my wig off.

    Kick ass response.

  8. Oh Lori, you destroy me, child.

    I thought I would die when I read this my thyroid has taken over that job and is busy finding everyone’s thyroid and making it beautiful again, when it’s not being chased in the Caribbean.

  9. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by christinah84: RT @dearthyroid: Today, on DearThyroid.org we are playing “Thyme for some Literary Healing And a Few Q’s Part IV” http://bit.ly/bR0reo, please join us!…

  10. Lolly says:

    Thank you katie for making my reply comment of the day.

    I’m in that kind of mischievous mood right now grab it while you can.

    I thought all the replies were kick ass and loved reading them.
    I want to go to the Carribean with Lori and HD (life sex coach) love your picture HD.


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