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Post Published: 23 April 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
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Dear Graves,

Just when I thought I had you under control, you raised that ugly head of yours and started making my life miserable again. I realize you have nothing better to do with your time. It would be nice if you got a real job and left me alone. You could be a grave digger and dig a grave than jump in it. I know, that is too much to ask of you. You and your whole family have always been a bunch of deadbeats. All the way from your siblings Hyper and Hypo to your parents. Your father TED is always up to no good, the way he can make a person’s eye’s itch. He is just so irritating. He always made my whole face swell up and because of him I had to have numerous eye surgeries. I was never cock-eyed till I met him. Well, at least lately he has not been around my house. Just tell him to keep his sorry ass away from me, thank you very much. I have enough to do just putting up with your sorry ass.

Now your mother, and I don’t say that with any respect what so ever, is the worst of your bunch. I have never met such a sorry excuse. Not even you, your siblings or your sorry father can hold a candle to her bad manners. “Cancer Thyroid” they called her. They sure named that old hag right. She is the meanest and the sorriest of the lot of you. The rat bastard would disown her. She should be the first one you bury, if you ever become a grave digger. Actually I think your mother,   is the original grave digger. Well, if you take after her, throw her ass in and jump in after her. Don’t worry about covering up the grave. I have friends that will gladly help me shovel the dirt over the both of you.

So, till next time you piss me off, keep a low profile. I am not putting up with your crap any more without a fight.

The Miss’ Graves

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Aside: Please continue supporting,  Dr. Sarah Myhill, to end the witch hunt for this fine doctor in the UK.

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10 Responses to “Graves’digger”

  1. Miss’ Graves, this was so well written and really made me chuckle. It is so right that thyroid disease comes with a whole family of illnesses/disorders. I was talking about this today with my sister-in-law and the fact that I can’t think of a single person who JUST has thyroid disease. No, it has to be ten other complications too, doesn’t it – when I was first diagnosed, it felt like every doctor’s visit my doctor had a new and nasty surprise for me. If it wasn’t Epstein-Barr, it was high thrombocytes, low Vitamin D and high blood sugars. I long for the day when I can go off these bloody pills and “just” need to take the thyroid hormones.

  2. Dear Thyroid says:

    Thank you for writing this letter, Mrs. Graves. You encapsulated, so poetically some of the realities we face as patients.

    I am very sorry about everything you are going through.

    Lots of love and good wishes.

    Keep those cards and letters coming, lovey.

  3. Christine says:

    Miss Graves – Tell IT ThySista!!! Can I get a “WOOF” from the Dawg pound!?! The whole lot of thyroid diseases can all go to hell… in a handbasket…… direct flight… non stop… straight into hell…

    Sarah: Ain’t it the truth! If only… there has been no “just thyroid disease” for me, it’s been a host of em, hell a disease party (not the fun kind) of health related stuff…. Geesh!

  4. Anna says:

    All i can say is YOU GO Miss Graves…you tell it like it is!

  5. Dear Thyroid says:

    Sarah – You are so RIGHT ON THE MONEY, KID. Sad, but true.

    Loved Mrs. Graves letter, too.

  6. Dear Thyroid says:

    Christine – Truer words have never been spoken. PS: Love, and frequently say “Hell in a handbasket”. So damn true. It’s never one thing. The frustration mounts, and our desperation to reclaim just one small, teeny tiny piece of ourselves, is unbelievably challenging.

  7. Dear Thyroid says:

    Right on, Ana! xo

  8. I know, Katie. It really is sad. It got to the point where I was dreading what else my doctor would come up with. When they found out about the high blood sugars (I don’t like to call it prediabetes as that sounds so fucking dire plus they should be able to reverse it at this stage), I was sort of relieved to know that there was probably a cause for my PCOS, which I was diagnosed with at 24. Proactive doctors are a must! I forgot to mention the blocked artery I had in my neck, but since taking thyroid hormone that has gone away too. At the end of the day, the doctor seems confident that I will only be on most of these meds temporarily to restore balance to my system. I am glad the Epstein-Barr has gone though – you really notice the difference when that one goes away and I was so shit-scared that it wouldn’t. My doctor said that if it damages the liver it can indeed cause chronic fatigue, which tends to be permanent, although I do believe there are different definitions of chronic fatigue and sometimes it seems like it is just another word for fatigue caused by the thyroid. The same goes for fibromyalgia. I sometimes wonder whether my joint pain could be fibro, but because I know that most times fibro is treated by being on the right dosage of thyroid meds, I’m not worrying about it at the moment. I just have to be patient I guess, but I know that sometimes that is easier said than done.

  9. Dear Thyroid says:

    Sarah – Proactive doctors are a must. And, you know… funny you say ‘dreading going to the doctors’. I’ve become phobic about it, for many reasons. One of them is the what’s next, as you stated.

    I love your points, your moxie and your determination.

    You’re very inspiring. Still. I wish you didn’t have to go through all of this. I wish none of us had to.

    Deep sigh. Can you feel it?


  10. Lolly says:

    Miss Graves,


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