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Thyme For Some Literary Healing: Fluctuations In Libido Precipitated By Thyroid Disorders And Thyroid Cancers

Post Published: 26 April 2010
Category: Literary Healing for Thyroid Patients, Thyme for literary healing, Thyroid Sexual and Libido Issues
This post currently has 21 responses. Leave a comment

Thyme for another segment of literary healing. In today’s beautiful letter “It’s the Health Equivalent of Learning Geography by Having War Declared On You“,  written by Em. She gave us a glimpse into her thyroid’s life; the damage it did to her wedding, how it’s affected her relationship and sex drive. Fortunately, her partner is incredibly supportive and loving.

That being said, the community equally bravely shared their stories regarding low libido, relationships, self esteem, and how this has affected their relationships.

Today, we’re going to delve into this a bit deeper. Here are three simple questions. Please answer them in comments. We want to hear from you!

  1. Does your libido fluctuate?
  2. Do you have a higher libido when you’re hyperthyroid? When you’re hypothyroid, how bad (if it is bad), is your libido?
  3. How does your lack of sex drive or too much sex drive impact your relationship?

Ready, set, WRITE.

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21 Responses to “Thyme For Some Literary Healing: Fluctuations In Libido Precipitated By Thyroid Disorders And Thyroid Cancers

  1. Stacey says:

    OI…I had NO, NONE, ZERO, ZILTCH sex drive for almost a decade…talk about faking it.

    I feel a little frisky now being on the Dessicated thyroid, but when stressed I find it disappears again.

  2. Dear Thyroid says:

    Stacey- Thank you so much for being as honest as you were/are. How did you fake it for almost a decade? That must have been frustrating to the tenth power for you. When I’m hypo – I feel like Wait, there is such a thing as sex drive?! Are you sure?

    SO HAPPY that it’s come back while being on desiccated thyroid, that is great news.

    When stress hits, it makes perfect sense why it would retreat for a bit.


  3. vicki says:

    Do I have a libido? Let’s see…I gave birth 9 years ago when I was 37. I was diagnosed hypo about 5 yrs. ago. For those first few years after I gave birth, I had nothing. I turned 40, and it slowly came back. In all honesty, as I have aged, and I am now 46, my libido has increased. I don’t know if it’s the NDT, but, I now have the libido of an 18 year old boy! It’s intense.
    Stress seems to make my sex drive increase rather than decrease.
    My husband is an early riser and early to bed kinda guy. He is asleep before my child. This makes me a very tense lady sometimes! I am finding I am the best sex I’ve ever had!!!!
    I’m not sure why, but, I seem to very different from all the other comments I’ve read in our community. I am very lucky. For that I am grateful.

  4. Dear Thyroid says:

    Vicki – WOWZERS. Love that. I’m so happy that your libido is on fire.

    I am so happy for you. I think this is beautiful and wonderful. I love “I am finding I am the best sex I’ve ever had”. A girl must always have a goodie bag or chest, so to speak.

    I’m over the moon!


  5. Dear Thyroid says:

    Another point I wanted to make, Vicki, is that once again, you have proven that there are so many exceptions to the rule. We simply aren’t a one-size fits all, in symptoms or medication.

    Bravo, thysistah

  6. Jess says:

    My sex drive has been MIA for about 6 years. I think. I’m not really sure… its been so long.

    I switched to dessicated thyroid almost 3 years ago, and I’ve seen great improvements in pretty much every area but this. Great energy, stable weight, good cholesterol all the biggies, but no libido.

    The way I explain it to hubby and others is like hunger. I still enjoy sex (quite a bit, heehee) but I’m not hungry for it. Think about eating something delicious when you’re not hungry. It still tastes good, right? But it’s a different experience than good food that satisfies a hunger / desire.

  7. Thomasina says:

    I’ve faked it for thirteen years. When I don’t, my partner feels terrible and takes it personally, so instead of hurting his feelings I do what I must do.

    I’ve been Hypo/Hashimoto’s for several years (symptomatic for ten years but only recently diagnosed; currently in need of a doctor, but no one is willing to work with me on a pay-what-I-can basis because I am uninsured. So I am not treating the condition. Sigh.)

    By the way, I’m new here. This is my first post, and *of course* it would be about sex– my favorite subject! Ha.

    Thanks for being here, y’all.

  8. Thomasina says:

    Oh, I forgot to answer the last part of that series of questions!

    Yes. It DEFINITELY affects my relationship with my partner. And my own self-esteem. It has put a lot of doubt into my mind for years that I was with the “wrong partner” for me when, in reality, I am libido-less with every partner I have. Three years ago I left the best relationship of my life behind because I felt that there was “no chemistry.”

    Then I was diagnosed.

    So, yeah. It’s a struggle. Physically, and emotionally. There is a lot of guilt/baggage involved for me.

  9. Welcome to Dear Thyroid, Thomasina! So sorry to hear about your lack of libido and your struggles to get the right treatment. You are certainly not alone.

  10. amy says:

    When my thyroid is not happy sex is not fun! Sometimes I would try, in my mind I felt I really wanted it! But, my body was saying “I am too tired and this is too much work! What are you doing?” I would feel bad for my poor husband. He is very kind and generous in bed, not wanting to take w/o giving. There are times, I am ashamed to admit, where I would feel repulsed by my husband but it was really me and not him at all. It is hard to explain why I felt that way.
    But, on the other hand, when my thyroid is balanced and happy sex is amazing, once again! I want it as emotionally as well as physically.
    There you have it, my two cents worth…

  11. Dear Thyroid says:

    Jess – Thanks for your honesty. I’m glad that the biggies have been allayed by NDT, that’s great news. Another biggie is libido, no? I know what you mean about a delicious meal that you enjoy, to be sure. It’s like, or at least the way I look at it is: pleasant disposition sex (when Hypo).

    Are your numbers balanced? Are you skewing hypo? If not, I wonder if it’s another hormone imbalance. What do you think?


  12. Dear Thyroid says:

    Thomasina – to echo Sarah’s sentiments, welcome aboard. We’re very happy you joined us, and for this discussion, which is a biggie!

    You’ve been dealing with hypo/Hashi’s for years, and you’re probably hypo still, yes? In your area, are there any clinics?

    Check out these two links for doctor referrals and let us know if they help. I sure hope so.

    http://www.thyroid-info.com/topdrs/ and http://dearthyroid.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=56

    Good luck, and keep writing and connecting with everyone!


  13. Dear Thyroid says:

    Love your two cents, Amy! Honest and prolific. I so understand the repulsion. Being hypo is so exhausting and I swear, it feels like my sex drive checked out or something.

    I am thrilled to hear that when you’re balanced, you are sexually hungry and satisfied. This is a beautiful thing.


  14. Kelli N says:

    Wow… low thyroid has made my low libido even worse! I have been married to my soulmate for 16 years. I have been hypo for a long time… “borderline” low but too low for me! I have been taking synthroid & cytomel, keep upping the synthroid, but now im going to see my dr & telling him i want the natural dessicated thyroid! I wish to WANT to be intimate with my husband, not just go with it…
    Self-esteem? where is that? I have very little, I am working on it by allowing myself to be imperfect. I also have Lupus (since 13 yrs young), and Fibromyalgia, High Blood Pressure, GERD… I am trying to work on a little bit of everything – one day at a time.

  15. Shan M. says:

    It takes two to tango, and my hubby’s tango is down due to blood pressure meds. Its something I don’t have to worry about if I too forget the tango, but when it happens its special and we can say ‘we’ve still got it’. Its a bit of a relief that the animal has given way to the sensual in our later years. And for us both, sleep has become so important and cuddling up, caressing, a little teasing. OK, so I’m less horny now, but it still works when we have the timing is right.
    Shan M.

  16. Dear Thyroid says:

    Kelli – You’re doing great. Remember, we’re not one size fits all. I’m on Synthroid Cytomel, too. When I’m hyper or normal, my sex drive is great. When I’m hypo, forget it. I can’t even remember I have a vagina. I feel you, girl.

    if you decide that NDT is the right choice for you, FABULOUS. The goal is to feel healthy, well, sexual, symptoms free and back to normal.

    You have a lot on your plate – One day at a time is the only way to manage it all.

    love that you’re married to your soulmate, very sweet.

  17. Dear Thyroid says:

    Shan – I happen to think that what you share with your husband, IMO, is quite beautiful! I love it; how romantic! It’s all about connection, however we as individuals define it.

    The most tragic thing, IMO, is feeling like you don’t have a sex drive when you knew that you used to have one. At least that’s how I feel (Katie).


  18. Dear Thyroid says:



  19. Angela~ says:

    My libido… hmmm.. Well I have always had a higher libido than my spouse.. He has been the low one in our relationship. But since my hypo I have decreased A LOT! It has actually made life easier for that part.. because I was the one hurt and upset that he was not interested… I have always wondered if he had something wrong with him.. because I was always under the impression that men were always in the mood *wink wink*. LOL.. I am hoping to get things back to normal..not meaning to be TMI but this is a rather open conversation. since Hypo my period have been HORRIBLE.. I feel like I am going to die! My legs hurt and swell. I am noticing since I went back to the doc and got off of the bovine herbal thyroid my legs are swelling more when its not that time of the month. It feels like someone is pumping fluid into my thighs. It hurts so bad! I am not exaggerating either. It is just so painful and nothing seems to make the pain go away. I am supposed to go and get aid to continue with the doc.. It is just a clinic so its not a Endo like I would love to do. I have noticed a knot in my throat too. Thats new. You can see it big time when I swallow. Thanks for listening.. I am hopeful I can get the help I need. With this pain it has been so tempting to take the easy way out.. but I know that would not be treating this disease the right way!

  20. Laura says:

    Hello to you all,

    How reassuring it is to read that I’m not alone. Thank you everyone for your honesty. To be completely honest, my sex drive has had it’s ups and downs. And boy when it’s down, it is DOWN =( I think at times what has helped me is having a partner who I am comfortable with when in a relationship. But at the moment I am single and don’t even have the urge to self indulge if ya know what I mean. Man this disease sucks sometimes!

  21. Kathy says:

    Maybe it’s having had PCOS for so many years, with my hormones all over the place, I have had an elevated libido for as long as I can remember.Even through being diagnosed with Hashi’s, I don’t feel like it has changed. Like Vicki, I’m the one who’s in the mood, and my husband, the early riser and early to bed..it’s just healthy, wealthy and wise for him..nothing else for a while..I used to get upset,worry that it was my ever growing figure,all the usual “Why don’t you want me?!” whines..He’s of the age when he needs to get himself checked out, but he doesn’t. I can’t force him. Now,when I need to,and I want to, I take care of me, I just take matters into my own hands and look forward to some ‘me’ time. The endorphins flowing make me feel better, I smile more and I may even have a little more pep in my step. I may be fat and flabby, have some memory loss and word retrieval issues, need a daily nap, all those things that would make me seem ‘old’, but having my desires makes me feel younger inside.

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