We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Thursday May 2nd 2024


Thyme For Some Literary Healing: Psychiatric Disturbances In Thyroid Patients

Yesterday, and most of this week, we discussed psychiatric disturbances in thyroid patients, and how it impacts our lives, in far too many ways. Today, let’s talk about how those disturbances affect our loves ones, the people closest to us; and, how we manage our feelings as a result.

Three questions:

  1. How do you think your mental issues as a result of your thyroid affect the people around you?
  2. Say you’ve just experienced thyroid rage and verbally pummeled someone, how do you manage the feelings afterwards? It’s not you, it’s your thyroid.
  3. What’s the worst aspect of thyroid induced mental illness for your partner, friends and, or family?


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8 Responses to “Thyme For Some Literary Healing: Psychiatric Disturbances In Thyroid Patients

  1. Linda says:

    1) I don’t open my self up to may people anymore because the people around me just don’t understand.
    2) I do everything in my power not to get into that situation, but when it happens I avoid the person. I feel like this is the reason I don’t have many friends and tell myself I may be better off alone so I don’t affect anyone else with my issue.
    3) My boyfriend never knows witch Linda he is going to encounter. I hate for him to have to be on gaurd all the time. I don’t go around family much and they hate it, but I don’t want to do or say anything they don’t understand. I can usually “act normal” for a few hours when I have to be around them.

  2. Jolene says:

    My husband and baby bare the brunt of my rages and moody episodes. I try so hard to push through the depression, but my family has seen me breakdown. I don’t feel that anyone understands, and it seems that people don’t understand the dismantling of the superwoman I once could boast about being.
    It was very difficult to manage my rage and it would lead to bad tendencies to want to hurt myself, for a while, I had not realized it was not me, and it was the thyroid.
    The worst for them is not realizing or having the ability to believe that a little thyroid can make me a medusa, but now I am on an antidepressant and the support from my friend and husband is starting to set in well, and it is really bringing me back to my happy self.

  3. Lolly says:

    1.How do you think your mental issues as a result of your thyroid affect the people around you?
    They take cover and head for the fucking hills never mind road rage don;t be in ear shot of Lollyrage.

    2.Say you’ve just experienced thyroid rage and verbally pummeled someone, how do you manage the feelings afterwards? It’s not you, it’s your thyroid.
    How do I feel like a twit going off for no reason and not being able to shut up, I apologise for my outburst but sometimes you know rages actually speak volumes even if it is loud it can also be truthful So people close to you know you don’t mean it yet they know that there is a reason and your expressing it even if it does go OTT.

    3.What’s the worst aspect of thyroid induced mental illness for your partner, friends and, or family?

    You know I like to get away from the word mental illness because it isn’t exactly that yes it maybe thyroid induced but it is beyond yours or our control whereas a mental illness like for instance bi polar or schizophrenia need medication to keep well. where thyroid induce issues regarding mentall status can be helped at the time but it only covers up the real issue and that is getting the thyroid levles balanced and the feeling of wellbeing.
    So for me it is thyroid related issue not a mental state although it plays a part on a daily basis I can still think feel do and react.to many docs want to put your symptoms down to your mental state of maybe depression send you packing with antidepressants that can add more problems and not look at the real underluying cause beczus they think one fucking pill works wonders.

    How do my family cope if they didn’t know me before I got the disease, then they don’t really know me at all.
    They know when to back off and give me space well most of the time, but most of all they know how to support in little ways I’m too independant to ask for help.
    You feel alone with this disease anyway and no amount of trying to explain how you feel just like a person who has lost a limb could describe what it means to them unless you have been through it yourself there never going to fully understnad but what they do understand are the signs and symptoms so they know how to avoid or be supportive and for now that is all i ask of them.

  4. Shan M says:

    mental issues: Psychological is probably a softer word, I don’t see a shrink, so I’m self diagnosed, I like it that way, nobody else getting into my head trying to make their sense of my sense. I have to make my own sense of this disease and what its doing to me and my family. My loss is also their loss, and they have to relearn who I am, almost on a daily basis. That’s not negative because I’m voracious about some aspects of life and it must be entertaining to see me at least enthusiastic about something, even if its negative.

    I do really ‘weird’ things now, like changing my diet, that have my at home family instantly accepting and looking out for things I ‘can eat’. Its based on my reading and finding out that the foods I was eating were doing me in, even though the foods I am eating are still doing me in. You see its the chemicals used in food production, and they’re still sprayed i n s i d e the supermarket, automatically, like the chemicals pumped out automatically to make you a zombie spender. Knowing that only organic is ‘supposedly’ safe (they use bt sprays)is not conducive to mental health when there are no organic stores here!

    I have at last found my anger. I thought forever I would be feeling nothing because of this disease. And I’m directing my anger at big threats which as one little person is rather futile, still it only took one kid to say ‘The emperor has no clothes’. To cut a long story short, I’m living in a loving, caring family, threatened by a coal mine to start 3klm from my home. I’m well informed in the problems of the world, and would like to blow the whistle on them all for doing this to us!

    This was such a lovely Earth and it just gets more stuffed every day. I envy folk who are ignorant and talking over the fence about their chickens and I want that life. I know my health is slipping and I want to grasp something healthy, a lifestyle that will give me and my family something concrete to trust in. This is very cathartic, and I know we have to move to a better place. As much as I want to fight the mine, I know that the stress will take me down.

    At the end of the day I have to admit to myself how much of my abilities I have lost. I’ve decided what situations I do not want to be a part of and the kind that I do. Please don’t be surprised if I use the F word because I’m one big angry lady and frankly I think repressing it would be damaging.

    Its so good to have you all to express this to because there’s social pressure to be ‘normal’, act ‘normal’ and not say boo to a goose. I can hate the disease, but that doesn’t give me anything to direct my anger at, so who knows what I’ll do next!

  5. Jackie Kipilo says:

    My mental issues with this has affected all of my relationships. My mother and brother are very wary of me. They are afraid I am going to “flip out”. They don’t understand what is going on.

    Then you get people who will purposely “bait” you so you DO flip out, and then they can say “see??? You need professional help.”

    I think it is really frustrating that I have to deal with this. It’s bad enough that I have the weight issue to deal with. I don’t need my family either baiting me or telling me to behave or they won’t allow me to visit.

    My husband just wants to cut my family dead. I’m thinking for my sanity, maybe I should.

  6. It makes me sad that my children and family have to ride this rollercoaster too and deal with my periods of unwell/depressed/tired/grumpy-ness. It’s not what they signed up for and so I try to keep it to myself and deal with it myself.

    When I do explode, it’s rarely verbally, usually in writing so my sister or usually BF will recieve an inbox full of what I call ‘brain vomit’ -rage writing. When I feel better, I look back and try to figure out if what I ranted about was justified or if i need to apologise for anything I said. And I thank them profusely for being so patient and understanding.

    The worst thing for loved ones is that they don’t really understand and don’t know what to do. There needs to be a guide book for them to know how to handle me, I just wish I had the time to write one! (maybe we should work on a proforma that can be filled out and distributed to loved ones:)

    I’m learning to handle these times better, if I know that I’m unwell and it is starting to affect the way I think and feel, causing negative/irrational thoughts, I try to push those thoughts out of my mind. Just focus on getting through the day, one day at a time and save any major decision making for when I feel ‘well’ again.

  7. Dimitra says:

    I have Hashimoto hypothyriodism for 4 years and I still haven’t accepted the <> of this disease. There are some days that I feel good, I feel myself and I behave to everyone in my family and my boyfriend nicely. However most of the days I feel depressed, I feel comfused and pessimistic and all this bad energy is trasfered especially to my boyfriend. I blame him for everything and I cannot have fun.

    Sometimes its like I am locked in a box deep inside my body and I cannot escape, the depression feelings and the bad mood, plus the disorganised behaviour I have, seem stonger than me.

    What I do is that when I feel myself again I say I am sorry, it wasn’t exactly me the one who caused the fights and I try to enjoy these moments of happiness with my loved ones as much as possible.

    I just wish these moments of happiness were more..

    But I truly believe that there will be a day where I will be much stronger than the thyroid and I will live happy.

  8. Dimitra says:

    In the text a few words did not appear….(I still haven’t accepted the forever part of this disease)

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