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What Does Omitting Religion and Politics Really Mean?

Post Published: 14 June 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid News, Dear Thyroid News and Updates
This post currently has 8 responses. Leave a comment

When Dear Thyroid first launched, we made a decision to omit religion and politics as many of you know. This decision was made for many reasons. The primary reason, we come together in the name of thyroid disease and cancer. We respect everyones right to practice whatever religion they choose, of course, as well as their political point of view. However, if we allow ourselves as a community to allow religious and political connotations into our community, we run the risk of alienating our beautiful and incredible thmmunity members. We want everyone to feel welcome, regardless of their religious or political beliefs. We want Dear Thyroid to be a safe and sacred place for us to freely express our frustrations surrounding our diseases and celebrate each other’s successes.

What we mean by religious connotations would be the exclusion of: prayer, pray, blessings, God, Thank God and faith, among other things that denote or insinuate religion.

With respect to politics, this is a fine line, to be sure: no political satire or reference to political movements, to name a few.

Please know that we respect your personal faith whatever it may be, as well as your political beliefs. We are not trying to take that away from you, and wouldn’t dream of it. What we’re asking is that you kindly refrain from using it on DearThyroid.org, Facebook and Twitter.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment and let us know. We want to hear from you!


Dear Thyroid

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Reader Feedback

8 Responses to “What Does Omitting Religion and Politics Really Mean?”

  1. Thanks for the clarification!

    Personally I have no interest in religion, and I’m quite sure my views on politics are of no interest to anyone but myself either 🙂

  2. Kathy says:

    @Sarah, I am not sure why you feel like you are giving up your faith by sticking to religously neutral statements, but I do wish you well and I am sorry that you feel that you must go. I am a deeply religious person, but this request from DearThyroid is no different to me than the way that I would conduct myself at a place of employment. I am glad that dearthyroid keeps this as a political/religion neutral medical support forum. I know that others may not share my religoius or political beliefs but I can still learn from them and offer them support and encouragement on their thyjourney. Thank you, DearThyroid!

  3. Absolutely, Fuzzy TB – Thank you so much for accepting our policy so graciously. We very much appreciate it and you!

  4. My Dear Sarah Anne – I am very glad that you took the time to honestly and candidly express your feelings.

    I do think we have a miscommunication, though. We’re not asking you to give up your religious beliefs. On the contrary. We support your religious beliefs. What we’re asking is that you kindly refrain from using religious connotations on Dear Thyroid. That’s the only thing we’re asking.

    We hope this clears things up, as we’d hate to lose you as a community member. Your voice and opinions are as valuable as each and every community members.

    Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any other thoughts.


  5. Kathy – I could not have said it better myself. You wrote it so perfectly. Thank you so much for supporting the choice we made to omit religion and politics.

    For the record, though stated above, we do respect your personal religious beliefs! As you said, this is no different from the workplace environment, in that regard.

    Many hugs and gratitude,


  6. HDinOregon says:

    I fully agree with the religious/political neutrality; but sometimes it will be very hard to refrain from comments when they directly touch on our medical conditions and health, especially in light of the recent (and ongoing) health insurance debate.

    So, I promise I shall be good.

    HD in Oregon

  7. Lolly says:

    I too fully agree with this policy, it isn’t taking anything away from anyone or there political or religious beliefs.

    So sorry Sarah that you feel this way, I wish you would reconsider and not take this so personally,but if not that we all wish you well and hope you find peace.
    This is not what this place is about, no-one is stopping anyone from there beliefs be it political or religious what they are saying please not here because we are all different and we all come together as a thyamily concerned with thyroid diseases of all nature not about politics or religion. There are enough thyroid forums/boards out there with political views and religious connotations and the most arguments/ heated debates start around it, so I can see why this has been one of the rules here and a good one at that.

    Katie I am with you all the way on this one.


  8. Lori says:

    My religious and political views are personal, as they are for all people. This is a support forum for our respective thyroid diseases, and I feel politics and religion could jeopardize the awesome support we all receive here.

    I appreciate your commitment to neutrality on this subject, Katie. I feel there would ultimately be too many misunderstandings that could lead to arguments and this thymmunity is too important to let that come between any of us. We need each other in the name of our thyeases!

    Sending Wishes for Good Thyhealth!


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