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Thyrants, Thyraves, Wings, Things, And Chemistry, Oh My!

Post Published: 26 June 2010
Category: Thyrants and Thyraves, Thyroid Patient Perspective Posts, thyroid support, thyroid support forums
This post currently has 4 responses. Leave a comment

Our new thing at Dear Thyroid is to pair our Thyrants and Thyraves with sentences to complete. Our community is comprised of thyroid literary wit, intelligence and snarkiness. Ah, we adore you.

Let’s reach out to each other, lend support, rant some more and provide resources, if we have any.

This morning’s question: Complete this sentence, please “If I had wings, I would…?”

JB:  go hang out with the birds. lol

DAT: fly to everyone here for a quick hug. Have an awesome day; try to find some joy in the moment please. We are going to a wedding reception to celebrate love. Aww, I’m such a sap.

BJJ: As the title of one of my fave Aerosmith songs…I would, “Fly Away From Here”…..

LR:  hope they didn’t hurt like every other part of my body

KB:  Rip them off I would have no use for broken wings… That’s what would happen if I had wings my wings would be broken… 🙁

AHS:  do nothing different – but maybe fly over once in a while over some ppl and poop on them 🙂

Thyroid Rants and Thyroid Raves

DJS:  Thyrant: I don’t have enough for bangs right now. Thyrave: My doctor raised my thyroid and I’ve been getting up easier/faster lately.

FG: My tyrants is my tooth pain from getting a tooth pulled yesterday…I’m not ready for my vodka to gargle and brandy to swish around as mouthwash…I did sleep like a baby though and took a nap today…I was supposed to go somewhere today.

LCC:  thyroid disease SUCKS!

TMM: Hot Mess! Hot Mess! I had my right lobe removed 4 weeks ago and started on Synthroid this week and I’m still a Hot Mess! How long does it take this crap to work? I think some Rum would do me better!!

GMT: I’m tired of people telling me once I have my surgery I will be able to get back to the old me, I mean really? the good thing I have for today is I held down another meal and enjoyed it loudly with my son and hubby just smiling the whole time, whoo hoo. that makes it a meal a day, I’m on a role.

MRGG:  is that I am hotter than usual, my memory is bad, and I am very depressed and discouraged. Everything seems to be upside down and have just crashed in on me. Oh and I can’t sleep. THYROID disease can be both a pain and noose. My rave in the next comment

MRG: My rant is this. I have lost 11 pounds. Since February and I have been able to make decisions about my health and my Graves’ disease.

SE: actually I LOVE Synthroid! better living through chemistry

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4 Responses to “Thyrants, Thyraves, Wings, Things, And Chemistry, Oh My!”

  1. Sherrie says:

    My rant is this. I had lost 30 pounds. They got my medication right, finally, and not only have I put the 30 pounds back on, but I can’t stop eating now. I can’t stand this anymore! I have started to put ice cubes in a glass with my 1/2 litre water bottle and am chewing the ice to avoid wanting to eat something. HELP!!

  2. amy says:

    Rant! I think my thyroid may be off again. It is hard to say since I am 22 weeks pregnant… I am due for blood work in a month. I am wondering if I should get it done earlier? I am feeling so tired! I wake up feeling like I didn’t even rest, my hair is unhealthy, I am snapping at my husband in the old psycho-thyroid-way(there is a difference between pregnancy snapping and thyroid snapping), I just want to cry! I haven’t been emotional during this pregnancy yet. Something is missing and I know damn well who took it and I am not happy about it. Alright, I have decided. I will call my Dr monday morning and see what she thinks. She is a good Dr. I highly value her opinion! Rant! Rant! Rant!

  3. DAT says:

    Sherrie, when I was hyper I was eating like crazy too and lost some weight as well. Water is so important so the ice is a good idea. I read that cold water boosts your metabolism? I’m trying to eat hearty foods earlier in the day that fill me up, I was never a breakfast girl but I’m trying now to eat within a few hours of waking. I’d rather have a little extra weight and feel better. Next, I need to start exercising which is something I only did in my twenties. There all all kinds of links here about nutrition. Have you ready any of them? Throid disease is complicated and life altering. Good luck sweetie!


  4. amy says:

    Donna, Eating hearty foods in the morning is a good idea! It sets the tone for the day. Starting your day off with protein instead of carbs really good! It is like putting really good gas in your car.

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