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In The Land Of The Gland, I Feel…

Post Published: 15 July 2010
Category: Thyroid Patient Symptoms and Effects Poll
This post currently has 14 responses. Leave a comment
This afternoon, we thought we would create a very simple poll. Of course, it’s not a proper poll because we’re still learning how to integrate the software. Please feel free to answer these questions with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, or elaborate on anything you wish!
  1. Is your doctor an endocrinologist?
  2. Do you have another type of doctor?
  3. Were you immediately diagnosed or misdiagnosed?
  4. If misdiagnosed, how many times?
  5. Do you feel good about where you’re at in your treatment?
  6. Are your friends/family supportive?
  7. Do you feel isolated?
  8. Do you experience thyroid psychiatric issues?
  9. Do you have difficulty losing/gaining weight?
  10. What is the one symptom you could live with?
  11. What is the one symptom you cannot tolerate?

Ready? Set. Poll it, baby.

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14 Responses to “In The Land Of The Gland, I Feel…”

  1. Hypogirl says:

    Is your doctor an endocrinologist? Nope Holistic
    Do you have another type of doctor? Nope I see him for just about everything.
    Were you immediately diagnosed or misdiagnosed? Misdiagnosed
    If misdiagnosed, how many times? twice
    Do you feel good about where you’re at in your treatment? I am going to lower my dosage a bit. But in General I know I am on the right form of meds.
    Are your friends/family supportive? Somewhat. I don’t tell them much and they don’t ask much. Hubby is supportive.
    Do you feel isolated? sometimes. Now mainly because my meds are messing me up a bit – but in general I feel isolated sometimes.
    Do you experience thyroid psychiatric issues? heck yes. Depression is a huge one.
    Do you have difficulty losing/gaining weight? Yes
    What is the one symptom you could live with? grumpiness
    What is the one symptom you cannot tolerate? weight gain/ no weight loss.

  2. Donna says:

    1. Yes
    2. Yes, an internist and gyno
    3. Misdiagnosed
    4. Once for over a year?
    5. Yes but I have not always felt that way
    6. Yes but it was not always that way
    7. No but I chose to isolate myself in the past
    8. I have when I was hyper and did not know it
    9. Yes I have lost about 15 lbs since diagnosis close
    to 4 years ago
    10.I have no choice but to live with being thyroidless
    11.I cannot tolerate losing interest in living and will
    do everything I can to avoid this happening to me in
    the future


  3. LittleBear says:

    1. yes
    2. yes, my gyn
    3. can’t really say I was misdiagnosed. For years the only doctor I went to was my gyno. He was the one to diagnose me, only because my thyroid was enlarged at the time of my regular visit with him.
    4. see above.
    5. no, I am on Armour Thyroid, (which I love), totally hated it when I took synthroid, I take 60mg Mon-Fri, and 90mg Sat&Sun. Feel my best on the weekends and ultimately end up ‘crashing’ on Tues or Wed.
    6. My son and daughter are always there for me, and I have the best, most understanding boyfriend ever!
    7. Sometimes, But not so much since I found ‘Dear Thyroid’.
    8. YES! Major league depression….not constant, it comes and goes, but when it hits….Watch Out!…I do take medication for it, but really want to get off it. I am trying to wean myself away from it.
    9. Always difficulty losing….gaining is waaaay to easy!
    10. Unfortunately, I live with so many of the symptoms, (don’t we all?), I feel as though I have come to ‘tolerate’ most of them. Can’t really pick one that I would want to keep, if I had the choice.
    11. I think the one symptom I despise the most, is the depression. I really ‘takes away from’ as well as ‘hurts’ the quality of life.

  4. nicholle says:

    1. Is your doctor an endocrinologist? one of them is, but she hasn’t been that helpful (since she’s clearly hyperthyroid herself…)

    2. Do you have another type of doctor? yes, naturopath/acupuncturist

    3. Were you immediately diagnosed or misdiagnosed? diagnosis took a few weeks of poking and prodding, but not misdiagnosed at least

    4. If misdiagnosed, how many times? N/A

    5. Do you feel good about where you’re at in your treatment? not really – haven’t been treated in a while, only option is lifestyle management

    6. Are your friends/family supportive? They say they are, but they’re superficially supportive – they’re supportive of me getting my thyroid levels under control, but aren’t so patient about the symptoms…except for my husband, he is awesome and amazing.

    7. Do you feel isolated? sometimes…

    8. Do you experience thyroid psychiatric issues? yes! didn’t realize for years that this was happening

    9. Do you have difficulty losing/gaining weight? used to be underweight from the hyperT, now I have difficulty losing weight (still hyper though)

    10. What is the one symptom you could live with? the weight loss I used to have!

    11. What is the one symptom you cannot tolerate? it’s a toss up – either the paranoia, or the inability to concentrate (and therefore work)

  5. Amber says:

    1. yes
    2. yes, two, an internist and a general PAC
    3. I was immediately diagnosed, but I was symptomatic for months before the diagnosis and just didn’t put it all together until later.
    4. n/a
    5. I do not feel good about where I am in my treatment. I need a thyroidectomy but can’t afford it. We can’t get my TSH levels to stabilize and it’s wearing me out.
    6. yes
    7. yes, sometimes.
    8. yes, sometimes.
    9. yes
    10. The moodiness.
    11. The shakiness.

  6. Amanda says:

    1. yes, now
    2. yes, general PA
    3. my PA figured it out with one visit
    4. n/a
    5. nervous, but feel good that things are moving along now.
    6. only one family member knows, and yes she is supportive. friends have been great.
    7. no more than usual. 🙂
    8. yes, NO, yes, NO, YES… heee.
    9. dramatic weight loss has stopped.
    10. dramatic weight loss. ;/
    11. heat intolerance

  7. Kathy Beckler says:

    1.Is your doctor an endocrinologist? NO
    2.Do you have another type of doctor? Yes a naturopath.
    3.Were you immediately diagnosed or misdiagnosed? I was diagnosed with Graves quickly.
    4.If misdiagnosed, how many times? None
    5.Do you feel good about where you’re at in your treatment? I am now that I just changed doctor’s for the third time.
    6.Are your friends/family supportive? Yes, very supportive.
    7.Do you feel isolated? On days that I don’t feel my best.
    8.Do you experience thyroid psychiatric issues? Not any more, when I first started treatment i did.
    9.Do you have difficulty losing/gaining weight? I have started gaining which isn’t good.
    10.What is the one symptom you could live with? achiness
    11.What is the one symptom you cannot tolerate? depression

  8. amy says:

    1. no
    2. a ND for my thyroid and insulin woes, also an ob b/c I am prego
    3. I was not diagnosed right away b/c my lab work was borderline…so I spent a year getting worse(not by my current DR)
    5. YES! My ND is amazing!
    6. YES! They are wonderful. I couldn’t ask for better!
    7. no
    8. I have when I was imbalanced. Much better now!
    9. Not when I eat healthy and exercise and my thyroid is bablanced
    10. none, they are all unpleasant when they rear their ugly heads!
    11. neck sensitivity. It freaks me out. Nothing can touch my neck not even my sheets…pretty anal about that one. Second worst leg cramps/pain.

  9. Karyn says:

    Is your doctor an endocrinologist? yes – he is wonderful
    Do you have another type of doctor? GP, OB/GYN, Pain Specialist(I love him)
    Were you immediately diagnosed or misdiagnosed? Misdiagnosed with Depression, then Fibromyalgia
    If misdiagnosed, how many times? It took 3.5 years to get the right diagnosis
    Do you feel good about where you’re at in your treatment? Pretty good
    Are your friends/family supportive? Yes
    Do you feel isolated? Yes
    Do you experience thyroid psychiatric issues? Yes
    Do you have difficulty losing/gaining weight? Yes
    What is the one symptom you could live with? I can’t stand any of them – I am not reconciled to it at all.
    What is the one symptom you cannot tolerate? Fatigue, Depression, Pain, Weight Gain.

  10. Lisa Stiers says:

    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Misdiagnosed
    4. To many times to count.
    5. No
    6. Most don’t understand, they use it’s all about you, dr said well it’s the disease you have and not them! so no and the others that do well they
    support me, that helps more than they will ever know!
    7. At times
    8. Yes, no, yes
    9. Yes
    10. Living with feeling cold!
    11. This one is so hard to answer, it would be the mental side to this, because all the sysmptons help to bring on the depression from the lack of the harmone, not enough sleep, being to tired, auto- immune it all erects the way you mential and physically. More know as the roller coaster ride we never stood in line for or really wanted to have!

  11. 1. Is your doctor an endocrinologist?: Yep. I never really had an oncologist for my thyroid cancer.
    2. Do you have another type of doctor?: Yeah, I have my head and neck surgeon. 🙂
    3. Were you immediately diagnosed or misdiagnosed?: Well, I at first was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, and my sister wanted me to get an ultrasound just to check my neck out. They found a nodule, and immediately biopsied it, since it was a singular one. From there, I was immediately diagnosed. That was an adventure.
    4. If misdiagnosed, how many times?: —-
    5. Do you feel good about where you’re at in your treatment?: Yes and no. I would love for this to just be gone, but I can’t do much else. My blood work is fine, for now. I’m just being checked every 6 months.
    6. Are your friends/family supportive?: Definitely, but there are always days where I feel like I want to talk to people who have been through this and understand…
    7. Do you feel isolated?: Yes, a lot of the time.
    8. Do you experience thyroid psychiatric issues?: Definitely do. I get anxiety and panic a lot, and it started after my diagnosis. Hyperthyroid isn’t all that fun, even if it keeps me going.
    9. Do you have difficulty losing/gaining weight?: I have no problem gaining, but losing weight is semi difficult, but I’ve been struggling with that all my life.
    10. What is the one symptom you could live with?: Having more energy.
    11. What is the one symptom you cannot tolerate?: My anxiety and panic. I can’t stand it!


  12. Linda B Reed says:

    1. Is your doctor an endocrinologist? One is
    2. Do you have another type of doctor? Yes- obgyn and chiropractor
    3. Were you immediately diagnosed or misdiagnosed? Diagnosed after routine gyn. exam about 4 years ago.
    4. If misdiagnosed, how many times? NA
    5. Do you feel good about where you’re at in your treatment? Yes, as good as possible. Had thyroidectomy last month- now recovering and trying new/higher dosage Synthroid
    6. Are your friends/family supportive? Yes, very. They do the best they can to help and understand me even though they truly can not know how I feel since they don’t deal with this disease on a daily basis and, thankfully, have never experienced it firsthand.
    7. Do you feel isolated? At times, but sometimes I prefer to be alone.
    8. Do you experience thyroid psychiatric issues? Sometimes, I guess, but I try to get a hold of them before they take over.
    9. Do you have difficulty losing/gaining weight? Yes- the losing part!
    10. What is the one symptom you could live with? Lack of energy/constant fatigue
    11. What is the one symptom you cannot tolerate? Moodiness

  13. Christina says:

    1. Nope.

  14. Christina says:

    1. No all of the endo’s I have seen here in Michigan were not very kind. Ahem.
    2.I do not have any other doctor.
    3.Well…I was diagnosed as “slightly hypo” when I was 23 after I had been through a traumatic life experience and on psyche meds as a result so..
    5.No I do not feel good about were I am at.
    6.No my friends and family are not supportive.
    7.Yes, I feel isolated.
    8.I have depression, anxiety, insomnia and no libido.
    9.Yes I do have some difficulty losing weight.
    10.Feeling spacey a lot, forgetting simple things like words and phrases, times, dates…
    11.Lack of sexual feelings and desire. I feel like God wants me to be a nun or something lol!!

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