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Butterflygraph, Written by Pamela L. Reilly, Naturopath

Post Published: 19 July 2010
Category: Butterfly Paragraph Contest Submissions, dear thyroid contests
This post currently has 8 responses. Leave a comment

Since facing the death of my thyroid gland and the birth of “butterthies” 15 years ago, I’ve become accustomed to having butterthies in my stomach, throat, heart, mind and stomach on a regular basis. These beautiful creatures, born from adversity, have a migratory pattern dependent upon my body temperature and internal hormone levels.

For example, when my body temperature hovers around 95, I can count on having butterthies fluttering through the fog in my brain, sending tiny thought moths fluttering into oblivion. It’s a beautiful site, or would be if my mind worked well enough to comprehend it.

When my hormonal levels elevate to the point that my body temp rises to 100 on a good day, the butterthies choose to migrate to my heart, where their fluttering can often be felt between its missed beats. It amazes me how these beautiful creatures, born from adversity and kept alive through the environmental fluctuations in my body, sometimes choose to create new colonies in my colon, where they manage to completely halt the absorption of any food I eat.

Occasionally, the environment of my body causes the butterthies to flee to the outside world, where they can flutter and roam without being subjected to the constant environmental fluctuations of my body. I look forward to the day when my only exposure to them will be in my garden, and when I will no longer feel them fluttering through me body, mind and spirit.

Written by, Pamela L. Reilly, Naturopath

The individual with the most votes will make it to the top 5! So, cast YOUR VOTE IN COMMENTS for this butterflygraph!

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8 Responses to “Butterflygraph, Written by Pamela L. Reilly, Naturopath”

  1. Bee says:

    Pamela- i u figure out how to get them out of u and into your garden, pass on that info, K?! maybe your body is the garden…

  2. Linny says:

    I like the way you explained this activity of your body functions……very nice way to explain the whole incredible voyage. Just like their trip from Canada to Mexico…..for real!!!! Good one! best of luck, Linny

  3. Jen says:


    What a unique way of embracing those butterflies. I hope the day comes when they will be set free to roam where they’re meant to roam….outside….Wishing you wellness….

  4. Thanks so much for your kind words and votes! This adventure has taught me so much and enabled me to help so many. I have much to be thankful for!

    PS: It should read “sight” not “site” in the second paragraph. Thyrofog hit! LOL


  5. Lolly says:

    Pamela very well written I so remember those butterflies in my body, lovely to see them outside and doing what they should be doing and makeing a hard day better by just there beauty.

    Love your description.

    This si going to be hard comp to judge as so far they are all great.


  6. What a poetic way to write about adversity, Pamela! You’ve got my vote 🙂

  7. Angela M says:

    Nicely written. I had no idea this had such an effect.

  8. Yasmine says:

    Very nice.You couldnt have explained it better 🙂 You have my vote!

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