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The War is Raging, But Your Guns Are Pointed the Wrong Way

Post Published: 23 July 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 17 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Thyroid,

Why am I a casualty of your war—and what the hell does Hashimoto’s have against you, anyway?

My husband just retired from the Air Force. I know all too well about the realities of war. I know about friendly fire and about innocent bystanders. I thought I left those realities behind when he retired last year.

I am here minding my own business and you suck me into your war. You hijack my supply lines. You commandeer my hormones. Now I have jacked up PMS from hell. My metabolism was shot. You are poisoning my bloodstream with triglycerides. Depleted are my stores of natural moisture so my hair and skin are as dry and barren as the Sahara. You sucked up all of my vitamin D. I still don’t get that—if you aren’t using it, why take it?

Then you turned off the climate control, trying to freeze me out.

If that wasn’t enough, you brought the pain. How did you do that? I feel 90 and some days barely move. My doctor even claims it was you that snuck in the peripheral neuropathy. Nice, my feet and legs go numb and turn black. It’s quite annoying, you know. The slow wound healing is as hard on my mind as the bouts of depression—awesome psychological warfare tactic.

The brain fog was a nice touch as well. You should bottle that and mass produce it, we could make all our natural enemies just plain stupid.
I am now your POW.

I don’t think you are gonna beat Hashimoto’s. You haven’t done a thing to him, only me. I am the lone casualty of your war. War is hell.

Bio: My name is Anna Bryant. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s In March 2010 after a long time coming. I am currently a stay at home mom of four.

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17 Responses to “The War is Raging, But Your Guns Are Pointed the Wrong Way”

  1. Linda B Reed says:

    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s 2-3 years ago and have struggled ever since. I just had my thyroid completely removed about a month ago and am on Synthorid- 137 mcg. My question is: will I still have to deal with the same Hashi symptoms even now that my thyroid is removed? I still have days- like several this week- where I just feel completely … See Moredrained, have brain fog, don’t want to be around people, etc. I think most of my family and friends feel that I should now be “cured” since I had this operation, but I still feel like I’m trudging up a mountain on most days without much relief. Any input from those of you who truly understand at Dear Thyroid would be much appreciated and supportive- thanks!!! 🙂

  2. Linny says:

    Oh I feel your pain dear, hope we get relief soon. Would like to sea the Navy, I grew up an officers daughter, all fenced in and “safe”…….but not anymore….my is Graves and it’s hell in a handbag to go! xxxxxLinny

  3. Jen says:

    Wow….so well written……so well defined….So Hashi’s….Give peace a chance!??!!

    Hang in there Annie and know you’re not alone in this war!

  4. Lori says:

    Anna – I have Hashimoto’s too and can relate to ALL of your symptoms. I like how you relate it to war because that is exactly how it feels, like a war is going on inside your body. I had referred to it as a toxic war.

    Hang in there, Anna. I hope you start seeing improvement soon.

  5. Anna, thanks so much for sharing your story with us! Dealing with thyroid disease absolutely feels like a war is going on inside your body. I wish it was an easier fight. I hope you start to see some improvement; we’re here for you!

  6. Linda, a total thyroidectomy is anything but a cure for thyroid disease in my opinion. Yes, it can be necessary, but no, it’s not a fix-all because it leaves you chronically hypothyroid with a pill to replace your gland. I understand where you’re coming from. It’s HARD to live without your thyroid when everyone around you thinks your life should be easier without it. Finding the right dose of thyroid hormone replacement is a balancing act and it takes time to find the right dose. When was the last time you had your levels checked? Have you considered calling your doctor to talk about your symptoms?

  7. Bee says:

    BRILLIANT IDEA-figure out a way to give our enemies thyriod disease complete with brain fog, thyroid dementia, severe muscle cramping and tendonitis, psychosis- every one fighting that war would end up looking like the Keystone cops on quualudes-you are so smart. Great Letter. it is a war- and sometimes we’re just too tired to fight very hard. Other times, look at us funny and we’ll tear u to shreds

  8. Anna says:

    Thank you for all the kind replies. I was venting and hadn’t put very much thought into this. It does feel like a war to me.
    Thank you dear thyroid for allowing me to share and for correcting all my grammar mistakes! 😉

  9. Kris says:

    Great post! I was diagnosed with Hashi’s in May 2010. I’m new to all of this and spending most of my time (when I’m awake) doing a ton of research. What seems to help the brain fog is a gluten free diet and staying away from food intolerances. It’s worth a try. I just started taking daily Vitamin D to assist as well. I still have good days and bad days. Just doing whatever I can to have a better quality of life. Good luck!

  10. Brilliant! Thank you for writing that!

  11. faith72 says:

    I have Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism. I have had a thyroid problem for 10 years now. I find it hard to deal my days when my PMS is worse because it makes feel like I’m prego. I dislike giving my husband grief over every little thing he does on my off days. I’m now dreaming about doors, people calling my name or snapping fingers at me and enjoying my husband in other ways,not meant to be described on here.

  12. Rick says:

    Nicely done Anna. One thing I know for sure is, if anybody can beat this it will be you. I’ll be with you all the way with ANYTHING I have to help you. *hugs*

  13. Lisa Stiers says:

    Oh Anna, I know how you feel! Hashimotos is from hell, it’s a war I agree! I never knew there was such a thing until I was diagnosed and now well, I’m feeling as you! There are days I feel I’m winning the war and then a sneak attacks comes up from behind. Hang in there, we are here to support you, we won’t turn and run from you. We all know to well this is a silent disease that ambushes you and your loved one! I think that’s why it’s so hard for us and others to accept. Just take a pill and you will be fine, reality it does work that way, when you go to the next war front on this disease it gives you a whole new level of warfare! This can be a toxic brew! Just hope that one day there will be answers for all of us who suffer from this. That would be a dream come true. To have a peace treaty! Peace from this disease, peace from the next level of warfare we fight. Hope that day comes soon for all of us with this disease. I know we all would love that. Now all we need is the General to lead this war agaisnt thyroid disease of all kind!

  14. Kathleen says:

    Fabulous letter Anna! I can relate to everything you say. I too wish for a peace treaty! In the meantime, keep fighting the good fight! Never surrender!

  15. Katie says:

    Great letter…..I thought I had a handle on this war, I really did. My battle has been fifteen years and I assumed that once my thyroid started to die off I wouldn’t have to deal with it as much anymore…but, the reality is there are new enemies to battle, bigger and stronger, the enemy wants me to curl up and surrender, but I just cannot. I must outsmart the enemy and conquer the newest more creative attacks that weaken me but I am strong, I am a Hashimoto’s Warrior and I will conquer!!
    Thanks, I needed the pep talk as my body is out of control again :0)

  16. LittleBear says:

    Anna, I love your comparison of Hashimoto’s with war. I have been ‘living’ with it for over 20 years now. It is indeed a battle against the hormones, a fight for the right to feel good. Some days we win, but sadly, most days we lose. But we have to keep on fighting and NEVER give up!

  17. Lolly says:

    Anna Fabulous letter comparing it to Warfare. I donlt have Hashi’s but Graves has that War rageig not only does it give you beat boxing heart palps and drwoing in your on sweat, you can also be mamed with attacks on the eyes.

    How do you win this war? Because you will donlt give up hope, we are sending extra troops to help you win the battle and kick ass that hashitmoto’s into touch.


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