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Pandering To My Gland

Post Published: 29 July 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
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Dear Thyroid,

You really think your clever, keeping everyone guessing about my condition. But that’s over now, the truth is out. So you think you’re special because someone gave you a name. Graves, sounds scary enough. But I’m not letting you think you can run my life.

The Doctors often think just fixing a number is all it takes, you love knowing that’s only part of the truth. The rest , you think you have this big secret. That nobody will believe that I still feel pretty awful. Well I have news for you, the truth is out. Witness is in protective custody and you can do nothing about it. Trust me , I have a handle on things now. You are no longer running things.

You have found it funny that you can mess with me. How you keep me from sleeping. I can’t even sleep with my husband anymore, cause you make so much noise and always wiggle my legs. But my support is real, I know people believe in me and that helps me a lot.

But sleeping, well, that is still a problem, the worst part is all the phlegm you pour down my throat. I could choke in my sleep. I am supposed to sleep with a machine, but I hate it so much.

You need to settle down. You’ve been hanging around a long time. I am learning all kinds of new things. I have even had acupuncture . I have been learning to live and eat differently. I had a cleanse that helped get all the build up of “stuff” in my body out. I learned about your tricks with respect to food allergies, too. I learned to eat the healthiest way. To avoid toxicities that make my symptoms worse. I had a complete blood profile that finely tunes ALL the little differences in all the levels. Turns out that my body runs better with this very complete analysis.

So, you see, I do know that “levels” are only part of the story. You can’t fool me anymore. Doctors can get us through the life or death stuff. But, that is only the beginning. I have been doing my homework. I know my whole body better now.

It’s going to be harder for you to mess me up. So, drink the poison, I mean Kool-Aid I give you.

We’re watching you, you wanna be a butterfly.


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10 Responses to “Pandering To My Gland”

  1. Hèlen says:

    Hello Linda,

    I like your letter and you said a lot I can relate to. It’s true sometimes we need a whole journey to realize what actually is going on. The doctors medical procedures are only the beginning and the journey can be very lonely if you don’t have enough people that are prepared to travel with you. Sharing experiences, joy and pain it gives us new opportunities to redefine our lives. And like you I would never accept that miss Thyroid takes over my whole life. I’m the boss and I keep an eye on her. *lol*

  2. Linny says:

    Thank you Helen, I appreciate your support. I hope we can get the message out to others who feel “stuck”!

    Taking an active role in learning all I can is helping me feel better. I want others to experience the regaining of control that I have felt as I shared, studied, and researched all that I can to help myself and ask the right questions so the medical field is encouraged to answer. My very best to you too!@!
    Linda (Linny)

  3. faith72 says:

    Thank you,Linda for your letter. I wake the same way. I dislike it so much. It scares me so much,my husband does not understand. Yet,my therapist and my primary are worried that my meds or otherwise are causing more than that. I’m luckily to have friends are dealing with the same syptoms I’m dealing with.

  4. Linny says:

    Dear Faith
    OH MY DON’T YOU HATE THE NIGHTS? I HAVE SLEEP DREAD…..it causes me to be afraid to go to sleep.
    My husband didn’t understand for the longest time. But then I didn’t either. What I do realize is how important it is that we “BOTH” get a good nights sleep.
    When I moved in the small bedroom, at first I felt so alone, rejected. I imagine he did too. But now we have come up with a solution that works for us.

    We have 2 dogs would are spoiled roiten, I always go “tuck the boys in” everynight. When I’m sleepy I go to bed. I don’t have to share the covers or anything, and if I want to read late, well I’m not bothering anybody.
    I also have my own air conditioner, the hum and cool air takes the place of my C PAP machine….now if I can figure out winter….lol….oh the things we do to survive! xxx Linny (LINDA)

  5. Amanda says:

    I love this. I honestly believe we can take over, and maybe not have full control, but a better handle on it. While I am still pretty new to all of this, I just know that the more we understand and learn the better off we will be. A short detox/cleanse is next on my list of things to do, I know it will help clear out the cobwebs that Graves has left me with.

    Luckily my husband sleeps like the dead, so I can wiggle and fuss all I need in order to get some sort of sleep. Of course, some nights I just want to smack him over the head with a pillow because “it isn’t fair” that he sleeps like that. Oh well. 🙂


  6. Linny says:

    You gave me such a giggle when I read about smacking your husband with the pillow…..I TOTALLY COULD DO THAT TOO!!!!! LOL Thanks Amanda!!, Linny

  7. Lori says:

    Linda – great letter! It sure doesn’t take long to realize it’s more than a numbers game but it would be nice if some day if conventional docs got on board about the realities of thyroid diseases. Glad you’re taking over and are the boss now!

  8. Lolly says:

    Linda great letter.When I can’t sleep which is nearly every night so I stay up till early hours I just want to go shoot those fucking birds outside cuz just as I start to drop of they decide to do the dawn chorus. I wouldn’t mind but they don’t even sing in tune. and it’s so repetitive.

  9. Linny says:

    Lolly, you have the best humor……I understand completely……It’s always such a long lonely night! I have sleep dread and worry I won’t wake up at all, oh well if I don’t wake up I won’t know anyway and nobody can tell me and you know the best part? I won’t have to pack everything in the house, someone else can worry about all these things I haven’t been able to keep up with LOL….Linny

  10. Kel says:

    What “cleanse” were you speaking of?

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