We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Wednesday May 1st 2024


Healing Arts: Celebrating All Types of Artists Who Happen To Have Chronic Conditions, Thyroid Autoimmune Disorders and Thyroid Cancers

Dear Thyroid just launched a new page and concept “Healing Arts“. After our butterflygraph literary contest with painter, thyroid patient and advocate, Allyson Averell, many wonderful and generous artists contacted us about donating pieces of their collection for future literary contests. How generous and fabulous, right? Right!

We also wanted to celebrate THEM, by letting the Dear Thyroid Community know about renowned and up and coming artists who happen to have a chronic condition, thyroid autoimmune disease, thyroid cancer or who are thyroid cancer survivors.

If you are an artist and would like to donate a piece of your art that represents your image of your disease, we want to hear from you. If you are an artist living with the aforementioned conditions, we want to hear from you. If you know of an artist that Dear Thyroid should include, please let them know about Healing Arts.

Please leave a comment or contact us and provide information about your art, how it’s impacted your condition and URLs to your websites.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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23 Responses to “Healing Arts: Celebrating All Types of Artists Who Happen To Have Chronic Conditions, Thyroid Autoimmune Disorders and Thyroid Cancers

  1. Amanda says:


    • Amanda Darling;

      So glad you love it. WE LOVE IT, TOO!

      PS: Will email you tonight. Your email brought tears to my eye, doll.

      • Amanda says:

        Well, I do some “stuff” that is crafty/arty. Have set it aside because “OMG I AM SICK”, but I hope to get back to it soonish. Will advise if/when ready to share. It has been in the back of my mind to “contribute” in this way since you/we began the painting give away contest. Since my art/craft is my therapy, what a great way this would be.

        Ironically, the first hand pieced/sewn/quilted quilt that I made, had a wonderful butterfly print fabric.

  2. Lori says:

    You know I love this idea! I’ll be in touch.

  3. <MOnet de` Thyroid, Qui ? Is this what we have in common???My MY my, WOW……I never knew. Linny

    • Dear Thyroid says:

      Linny, are you going to participate in “Healing Arts”? That would be AWESOME if you did. Send all the deets about your artwork. Can’t wait

  4. Donna says:

    I am an artist. I already have images in my head of what to do…I have had for months and months now. I will try and get started in the next few days. Where do we post this when we’re finished? I have no website other than fb and twitter…would twitter be ok?

  5. HDinOregon says:

    Here is my contribution:

    Original Pen and Watercolor drawing by yours truely.



    • Dear Thyroid says:

      HD – You ‘literarily’ outdo yourself and visually. You are so talented. That piece is gorgeous! I want to discuss an idea with you, I’ll email you, is that okay? On your website, if I’m not mistaken, you have a section with your artwork, correct? We can link to that and write a blurb about your work on the “Healing Arts’ landing page, which we want to do FOR EVERYONE.

    • Donna says:

      Oh, that’s beautiful. And her somewhat pained expression…wonderful work.

    • Amanda says:

      Just want to say I love your “Thyroid Queen”. Love it.

      Thank you,

  6. Jen says:

    Yay! You have my info. It isn’t specifically thyroid-related, but I am a determined & tenacious patient!

    • Dear Thyroid says:

      Jen – It doesn’t have to be thylated art. If you have a piece of art that is symbolic or representative of healing and or disease, if you would consider donating that to a literary contest, we would appreciate it.

      BUT, WE WOULD ALSO LOVE TO ADD YOUR WEBSITE to the Healing Arts landing page with a blurb about you and your work.

      This is a community endeavor.

  7. Donna says:

    HD, I love it, very beautiful!

  8. Dear Thyroid says:


    1. we want a blurb about you and your art, so we can link it on the “Healing Arts” Page

    2. We would love it if you would donate a piece of your art to a literary contest for Dear Thyroid, so we can all get to know more about you and what ‘this piece’, whichever piece you choose best represents your expression of your disease.

    3. We want to support your artistic endeavors and make sure that everyone knows HOW TALENTED ALL OF YOU ARE.


    katie@dearthyroid.org <- qs or anything else

    • HDinOregon says:


      I’m happy to donate the piece I did today. It is on watercolor paper and is 9″ x 11″. It actually looks more vibrant than on my website.

      It is signed by the artist (that is me).


  9. You all have such good energy in these messages, see Art is healing. I am so excited!!!!!! {and I’m an artist too)
    love this fun so good for all of us 🙂
    Donna I look forward to seeing your art.
    I am self taught computer so my abilities to bring my art here confusing me. But will help I will try!

  10. HD – thank you for the gift of your GORGEOUS PIECE FOR this month’s literary contest. We will announce it today/tomorrow at the latest.

    YOUR WORK IS STUNNING. We want to make sure that we showcase it on the DT/Healing Arts page. Be sure to send a blurb and a link to all of your gorgeous pieces.


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