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Thyrogen Can Quite Literally Kiss My Ass

Post Published: 26 August 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 15 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Dead Thryoid,

Today I went to see our favorite endocrinologist, Dr. O’Connell, for our first Thyrogen shot EVER. You see, with a series of 2 shots (had one today and will have one Tuesday) I will not have to suffer any symptoms of hypothyrodism by coming off my hormone replacement. But boy, was I in for a BIG surprise.

After I had routine blood work done to check my TSH, the nurse called me in the a private room, just her and myself. Two bottles of some Thyrogen elixir she mixed, and then put it all in to a syringe. Then, she told me to bend over. WHAT? OMG, not in my ass! I really had no idea it would have to be administered in the derriere.

After debating which cheek to get it in I ultimately chose the right cheek, poor thing. I did not feel the needle going in, but, did I ever feel the BURN of the medication. It was from that point I just couldn’t hold the tears and my face became hot. At least now I know what to expect, tomorrow, but I’ll definitely take my time going to the doctor’s office.

One last injection tomorrow, then my tracer dose to see if there’s any cancer in me. Dr. C does not think this will be the case (and I hope he’s right) but we’ll see on Friday.

I’m scared, and that’s an understatement. If life were going to be fair for me from this point on I would choose not to have recurrence. I would choose to have that clean scan and no more treatment or surgery. I hope this will be the case. I’m keeping positive till then 🙂

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15 Responses to “Thyrogen Can Quite Literally Kiss My Ass”

  1. HDinOregon says:

    Dear Alexa,

    Now that you have the first shot “behind” you, may your scan be all clean and negative. (That is one of the few occasion when the word “negative” is actually positive).

    All the best to you!

    HD (twice Thyrogen survivor!)

  2. Don’t worry. We all are taken by surprise. I made a pair of panties that says “I take it in the ass for my cancer.”

  3. Lolly says:


    Sending positive vibes that results come back negative and no more shots in the butt for you.

  4. Donna says:

    Hi Alexa,

    Stay positive sweetie, it is a pain in the ass (no pun intended) but this is life as we know it, right? It’s not fair, it’s not fun but it is what it is and you will get through it no matter what the results are. You are a strong young lady and I have complete confidence that you will continue to kick cancer’s ass.


  5. landsman2010 says:

    Thank you all for your kindness 🙂 Everything went well last week and I’m officially cancer free a year and a few months out. My antibodies went from 35 to 2 so this probably means I won’t have to do a WBS next time…thank goodness! The second thyrogen shot wasn’t that bad; the stress of it all made it feel worse..I knew what to expect.

    Lots of love to you all and the DT community xoxoxoxo


  6. Jen says:

    Yeouch. So glad that you got a good report, though!

  7. Glad you are on the upswing………Life sure knows how to throw us some curve balls. You dug deep, hung in there, and are a SURVIVOR! YEAH!!!!!

  8. HDinOregon says:


    Congratulations on your clean scan!

    I am curious, when you had your WBS (Whole Body Scan) did your endo put you on the low iodine diet (LID)?

    The reason I am asking is, that I had the scan twice with different doctors. One did not required the terrible diet, the other one did. (I hated the diet. See: http://dearthyroid.org/the-thing-with-the-fish-or-thyfish-cravings/ ).


    • landsman2010 says:

      Hey HD,

      Thank ye, thank ye! So glad it’s all behind me : )

      Doc C never had me on the diet, he never even mentioned a restriction prior to my diagnostic testing back a week or so ago. It was only a month after surgery in ’09 and then being administered RAI that I was “recommended” my iodine intake should be a little lower. He honestly told me it wouldn’t matter if some was in my diet during those 2 weeks though (I ate fish LOL). I can understand why some docs are EXTRA cautious, but if he wasn’t worried, I wasn’t either. Let me get back to you on the actual qualitative results of my thyroglobulin, but he was very pleased about the results. That’s funny that different docs told you 2 different things! That would throw me for a loop.

      Also, are there antibodies present in your blood?



  9. HDinOregon says:


    Thanks for getting back to me. Interesting indeed that some doctors follow different protocol from orhers.

    My thyroglobulin is a very low 0.2 – that is why my endo wasn’t worried about the update of the last scan. He thinks it was a bit of saliva trapped in scar tissue from the throat caner op.

    Take care and be healthy.
    And may your thyhormones always be balanced.


  10. Mike says:

    Thyrogen Shortage
    My surgery, done months ago, did not remove all cancer.
    A recent scan showed a 2mm growth is surrounding a vascular bundle in my neck.
    Dr. Endocrine says go back to surgeon.
    My Surgeon says go to endo and get Thyrogen then scan.
    Even though my insurance covers it, Thyrogen is NOT available. There is a definite shortage, but I’ve read that some special people and hospitals have a suppy.
    My Pharmacist, at CVS, says I’m on a waiting list.
    It may not be available until sometime in 2012.
    Endo’s office says it’s MY responsibility to get Thyrogen; “call us back when you get it”.
    It seems that, if I wanted to pay about $2000.00 cash,
    there would be Thyrogen available for me, but CVS is in no hurry since all I would pay them is a $25.00 insurance deductable.
    I have been told NOT to worry; thyroid cancer is slow growing. “Just don’t think about it, and enjoy life”.
    I’m worried. At 62 years old have I been written off?Where do I go from here? Who is my advocate?

  11. HD in Oregon says:

    You can get a thyroid full body scan without thyrogen, you just have to go on a low iodine diet for a few weeks. I hated the diet and was happy for having thrown, but it is NOT a necessity. Talk to your Endo.


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