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Join the Discussion

Post Published: 04 October 2010
Category: Join The Discussion, thyroid mad libs
This post currently has 10 responses. Leave a comment

Today, we are going to be writing mini Dear Thyroid Letters in one sentence blurbs, in comments. Here are a few sentences to fill in the blanks

  1. I am so_____ I could absolutely _____
  2. Why, Dear Thyroid, must you ______
  3. I am desperate to _____
  4. I feel great when _____
  5. I love myself because _____

Ready? Set. Write!

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10 Responses to “Join the Discussion”

  1. Anna says:

    Why, Dear Thyroid, must you make me cry everytime I wash my hair and see the hair clumps in the sink?

  2. Kimberly Lombardi says:

    I am so grateful. I could absolutely Cry.
    Why, Dear Thyroid, must you affect me so.
    I am desperate to share with others my story.
    I feel great when I feel loved and supported.
    I love myself because I am alive and must touch lives of survivors like myself.

  3. Amanda says:

    “I feel great when _____”

    I feel great when… I can forget for a minute that I have Graves Disease.

  4. Rica says:

    Why, Dear Thyroid, must you mock every effort I make to look normal by countering every move? Why must you make every diet a futile exercise? Every insane physical exertion, from basic aerobic workouts to insane endurance events, into a cause to ADD weight instead of LOSE weight or burn fat? Why must you be tolerant of every drug, dosage and combination in my doctor’s arsenal?

  5. Kelly Jaeckle Clardy says:

    1.I am so bitter at you thyroid, I could absolutely strangle you.
    2.Why, Dear Thyroid, must you have hashimotos and as a result, destroyed my immune system as well?
    3.I am desperate to fight the fatigue!
    4.I feel great when I can do things I love: concerts, college football games, meet other patients who can relate.
    5.I try to love myself because my husband deserves that.

    • Tasha Weishman says:

      I love your letter to Dear Thyroid!
      I’m desperate to talk to someone who can relate. Do you have problems with your family thinking your lazy?? I’m having a really hard time right now and need some help from a friend. I’m actually getting kicked out of a friends house becuase they think I’m lazy. I’ve also been fighting my husband for years on the subject…every time it changes a little. We are relocating to a new town and my friends agreed to take me in but now think I am only using my disease as a way to sit. I’m not over weight but I have 8 kids and now just started a full time job and I’m exausted every night. How can I make them believe. Please help!! Tasha

      • collie1013 says:

        Not sure if helpful or not, but my ex-husband used to tell me all the time that my thyroid disease was caused by “bad living”- not eating healthy enough, not exercising enough, too much stress. Wrong! My dr traced my hashimotos back to a gene my dad had. And it has caused me lots of other health problems. But luckily, I got rid of him- and remarried someone who is very understanding. But there are still plenty of people in my life who are not supportive (parents, friends). So I don’t count on them, and it is always helpful for me to meet other patients who can relate to what we go through.

        • Tasha Weishman says:

          Collie, Thanks, It did help!! We need to support each other! I had the most horrible week that week! I’m getting a little better. Got a new job, moved to a different state and my DH is still in IL. with 3 kids wainting for the house to sell. As most of you know stress puts a real strain on this old thyroid and puts it out of wack! Thank you so much for replying!!!! Even though it is a week later that I’m finding it…I was tired!
          Thanks! Tasha

  6. unearthingem says:

    I am so euphoric I could absolutely giggle uncontrollably. (And I have been. Everything if funny. And has been all week. It’s almost worrisome! <– Which makes me laugh)

    Why, Dear Thyroid, must you put down your defenses?
    I am desperate to start trying to have kids, but we really want you to be stable, before we do so!
    I feel great when I feel like myself . . . my old self or what I remember as my old self. Maybe this incessanyly giggly person is the true my old self?
    I love myself because I have discovered a strength, a resiliency that I didn't know I had.

  7. Dee says:

    1. I am so scared I couldn’t stop worrying
    2. Why, Dear Thyroid, must you keep growing like this and why do u have to make one of my eyes bigger than the other
    3. I am desperate to go on with my life
    4. I feel great when i laugh
    5. I love myself because i love life and i am trying

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