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Thyroid Medication, Now Hear This

Post Published: 27 October 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 7 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Synthroid,

Why won’t you let me sleep? We’ve been getting along so well. I’ve been losig weight through diet and excerise like my dr kept telling me was possible but wasn’t actually for the last couple years even though I ate less and moved more. My blood pressure is down in the normal range, no longer frightening me when the little cuff slides on my arm. My heart no longer races, pounding so fastly in my chest. I can sit in traffic, stand in lines and share small, hot, cramped spaces with strangers without having a panic attack. My hair isn’t falling out anymore. My face isn’t swollen and that damn lump in my throat is gone. I sometimes stare in the mirror as I swallow because I can’t believe how normal my throat looks now and how normal it didn’t look so gradually that I didnt even notice. But WHY (?!!) won’t you let me sleep?

How is it possible to be exhausted and unable to sleep? Same thing tonight as the night before and the night before. I go to bed drained and ready to rest. I squeeze out a couple hours of shut eye, and then…blink…blink…blink…

I watch the blades of the ceiling fan circle around. I listen to my cats and husband snore. I start thinking about work. I start thinking of the balance on my surgeon’s bill. I think I should get up and finshing reading the book on cancer I got after my surgery. Blink…blink…blink…

You and I have been getting along so well. You are my magic little (first yellow, then pink, now blue) pill. We have our little routine. I get up earlier than I ever have to meet you in the morning. I wait ever so patiently for another hour before I can eat. I turn down soy protein shakes in the am. I take my vitamin in the afternoon. I drink tons of prune juice and swallow 6 fiber pills a day. Our relationship is so much better than the one I had with your predesesor, that horrible poor excuse for a thyroid that decided to bring in a third party called cancer. So much better you and I. I even trust you. But you just won’t let me sleep will you?

Well, let’s try again. Blink…blink…blink…


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7 Responses to “Thyroid Medication, Now Hear This”

  1. MollyH78 says:

    I have had the little blue pill now for two weeks…I actually have energy for the first time since I had my thyroid removed at the beginning of July…But, I too am exhausted by the end of the day and I get anxiety going to bed, since I know I will not sleep. What a rotten thing to get anxiety about. Boo to the no sleep…I can see this stealing my new found energy here soon. Let’s hope this passes soon for you, Michelle, and for me.

  2. Amanda says:

    Great letter to your medication! I never thought of writing to my meds, but maybe it is time.

    I suffered from chronic insomnia for years, literally 15 or more years… then this year I began with symptoms of Graves Disease. Since starting the meds to calm that down, I have been sleeping like a baby. So I agree that thyroid/meds control the sleeping ALOT.

    I hope you get rest soon. Not sleeping is the worst, I know.


  3. Mary says:

    Having GD for over 35yrs I learned self hypnosis and deep breathing exercises and meditation and have taught or forced my body to respond. You can get tapes or CD’s that teach this but I am here to tell you it works so you can get the healing sleep you need. Hugs Mary

  4. Liz Mateo says:

    Great letter to your little pill!

  5. Monica says:

    Nice letter, Michelle. Love the blink…blink…blink!

    I feel your exhaustion. I’ve been practicing yoga and meditation to help calm the mind, hoping that will help me sleep. When I can get a good night’s sleep I am so happy that I an able to share the love the next day. Unfortunately, it’s not as consistent as I would like it, and sometimes when I hit the wall at 4pm, well, it’s not pretty.

    I wish you the best in finding a solution to get some good shut eye.

    ☮ ♥

  6. Debra says:

    I feel your pain. Since being diagnosed with thyroid disease 2 years ago, i have had chronic insomnia ( no matter what thyroid meds i’ve been on ). I sometimes go 3 or 4 days with absolutely no sleep at all. I can go to bed exhausted, and still lay there all night, without ever falling asleep. On a good night, i will get 3 hours. Needless to say, lack of sleep has caused many other issues for me. I suffer from severe mental problems from not sleeping for such long periods of time. It has ruined my life 🙁 I would give anything for 8 hours of sleep, and to get my life back.

  7. Heather says:

    Can you imagine what normal people would think about being anxious to go to sleep? I fully understand, it almost starts a cycle of sleeplessness. Thankfully I passed that stage, but totally understand hating to go to bed and not being able to sleep. Keep your chin up, this too shall pass. Maybe not as soon as you want, but it will!

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