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I Don’t Know What Happened To Us, Thyroid, But I Sure Am Curious

Post Published: 28 October 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
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My Dear Thyroid,

What has happened to us? When did you slip away?  I know our life together has been hard, but listen, it’s been hard on all of us involved. We were supposed to be a team. We were supposed to work together. Why did you start seeing a goiter? We had no use for that! You brought her in and she grew fat and sassy. You hid her pretty well! But the radiation found her with the “glow” she brought. When did you start seeing her?

I remember back in the 80’s when I thought something was stuck in my throat; they sent a camera down and found nothing, but some scar tissue. Did you always have her hidden?

When I was a baby in the crib and turned blue from phlegm stuck in my throat, was it as early as then? {Thankfully my grandfather, the swimming coach knew what to do!}

Was it when I was in a coma after a very bad virus, when I aspirated on some milk they tried thought they could take the feeding tubes out of my ankles?

Or was it shock related?

Did you start to slip away when I was run over by a car?  Fortunately they found my parents and eventually my leg healed and I learned to walk again. And they were wrong about it not growing as long as the other leg. I was only 10.

Did I show signs when they thought I was having stomach problems; the upper and lower GI type?

Did it run in my family like my grandmother’s sister, who had a goiter too?

I realize I had the biggest shock when my young husband collapsed and died of a heart attack while we attended a party. He was only 34, and the kids were 5  & 8, and I was destroyed. I knew it was too much, but somehow we seemed to hang on.

I remember hoping to live long enough to see the children grow up before I fell apart.

Was this when you pulled away?

Can anybody see the thread here and tell me what happened?

All I know, is I’m sorry you weren’t happy. I wasn’t either. We really never had the support and understanding we needed. I did the best I could. Maybe you did hang in better than I give you credit for. Maybe we were doomed from the start. Maybe I’ve been too hard on you. I’m sorry.

Whatever we have left, let’s try to do better. Let’s try to be happier and joke around more, like we used to. Hey, we are still here, aren’t we?  Did the RAI, take ALL of you?   I will continue to give you the boost you need and try to be more understanding. Will you try too?   Let’s work this out, OK?

Hopefully love,


All I can say is I’m sorry thyroid, it was not my fault….

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3 Responses to “I Don’t Know What Happened To Us, Thyroid, But I Sure Am Curious”

  1. Amanda says:

    Beautifully written letter.


  2. Linny says:

    Amanda you always have something nice to say. I appreciate you. You are one of the “kind” people in our world. You are always giving and thinking of others. I am grateful to know you.
    Your support means a lot.
    Sometimes when I spill my guts telling all kinds of stuff that if I was a member of facebook I might be less likely to share. I don’t know if I can take a chance and have people know me.
    But you are always there willing to listen and show your care. I don’t have that in my personal life.
    My family and friends just don’t want to hear about the stuff that is hard to listen to. They prefer to think none of it matters anymore. But my plate has been full most of my life. Getting sick well that is the outcome of my sucking it in all these years. Thank you for validating my feelings. It is helping. love, Linny

  3. Heather says:

    Keep up the good fight Linda, you’ve made it this far. Very nicely written 🙂

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