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EndoMatch.com by Mary Shomon

Post Published: 14 December 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 10 responses. Leave a comment


Click on the image to thoroughly enjoy this comedic masterpiece.

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10 Responses to “EndoMatch.com by Mary Shomon”

  1. Megan says:

    Ha! Nicely done. 😀

  2. Brittanie says:

    Y’all, I think he’s like totally HAWT! He’s awesome! I would match up with him, like, right this minute! Totally the kind of endocrinologist I want! Why would patients want to have to like think about anything? Most patients just want to be handed their prescription and bill, and, like, go on their way! I mean, like really!? Why would anyone expect their endocrinologist to deal with things like fatigue, and weight, and depression, and aches and pains? How lame. The thyroid, is, like, IN THE NECK!? Duh!! So the neck has nothing to do with any of those symptoms. You are all so mean. Endocrinologists are so sweet. They’re so cute! They remind me of my grandfather. The minute I come to the office, they always leave their patients and like come out to say hello to me, like prontorama! See? I told you, they REALLY care. (Uh-oh, like, is there any way I can get my name and the whole Synthroid thing taken off this post, uh, cause I, like didn’t really intend to identify myself y’all.

  3. Andrea says:

    OMG! LOL! Yeah, basically what I’ve dealt with as I know the majority of us have! Thanks Mary!

  4. Ellen says:

    OMG that’s flipping funny…I WISH. I just fired the second endo in six months. My only option now is to drive an hour (or more depending on traffic) to see the one that I used to have an loved until I find one in my area that a) isn’t an a-hole and b) actually believes in T3 treatment. He switched me from Armour (which wasn’t doing very well for me and I can’t afford to see the naturopath) to Synthroid and my TSH doubled!!! So I showed him my old medical records and he WOULDN”T LISTEN.

    Unbelieveable. Thanks for your support Mary!!

  5. ria says:

    ROTTFLOL! Awesome! Ha, that made me laugh! Thx!

  6. Lolly says:

    Hahaha Mary match made in heaven, date one of those you’d end up just there,
    Can you just imagine it, not just a date but a full blown relationship.

    Endo- “darling are you hot and sweaty cos we worked it or do we need to get those levels checked.

    Thyrella – “Why do you always go for my neck you caress it so gently.

    Thyrella – Do you have a foot, hair and leg fettish or are you just giving me the once over.

    Thyrella- What do you think of this size 100 dress will that do for the endocriminologist ball or should I wear something a little more sexy?.

    Thyrella- Am I just another number too you darling one of many are you having an affair with the pathologist?

    thyrella- Do you think this relationship is working out or are you just a control freak?

    Endo- Honey can I call you that because sometimes you are as sweet as pie and other times you’re like a women possessed. Hope the valium has helped nothing wrong with your thyroid now, your cured. You ask to many questions you need to exercise more, eat less…
    I’ve Set you up a date with a friend of mine Dr. Phyciatrist because this just isn’t working out.
    Don’t slam the door on your way out!!!!


  7. “I’ve aet you up a date with a friend of mine Dr. Psychiatrist because this just isn’t working out.”

    Lolly, that totally cracked me up!!!!


  8. pbhunt says:

    LOL! He actually looks and sounds a little like “Dr. Arrogant” that I found in my endo search. First words were “You’re so fortunate that you’ve found a thyroid expert”.

    Then he spent about 15 minutes drawing little pictures of my thyroid on his notepad,with arrows showing and explaining where the radiation would go. I said, “These are lovely, may I keep them? And by the way, I’m not 12, and I’m not interested in ablation.”

    After he had fondled my neck, we went our separate ways.

  9. Lolly says:

    @ Mary that totally cracked you up, love the pun intended.

    I’ve had a few of those speed dates last all of one second and then that’s it. History!!! And the doors coming off it’s hinges baby.


  10. Judanna says:

    Bravisimo & Thank you Mary for Validating our experiences ! I’ve had 7 endocrinologists in my life & when one very wealthy one in NYC, knew my insurance was coming to a close, he actually said,”What will you do now ? How will you go on with out me ?”
    Well, I’ll be, here I am 17 years later alive despite the 2 cancers he missed, but I found !

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