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BRING IT for Thyroid Awareness Month

Post Published: 03 January 2011
Category: Join The Discussion, Thyroid Awareness Month
This post currently has 6 responses. Leave a comment

Thyroid Awareness Month is upon us, along with a NEW YEAR. Can you believe it’s 2011?!

We’ve already lived, and I do mean lived a decade of 2010. Mary Shomon wrote a fantastic piece called “The Top Ten Stories Affecting Thyroid Patients in the Decade from 2000-2009“. Not only is it incredibly INSPIRING, it highlights all of the progress the thyroid community has made in the past 10-years. We hope that you will give yourselves a big round of applause! Because of you; speaking out and up about your disease, demanding better care, and so much more, we as an entire community have been part of the movement that seeks change for thyroid patients.


Now… We need YOU to BRING IT this month, and bring it hard. Write and submit the following to Dear Thyroid, please:

Dear Medical Profession letters: You have treated me this way, and it is unacceptable. OR, thanks to your lack of care, this is what I learned about myself and my disease.

Dear Doctor: Whatever anger you feel, spill it in unapologetic fashion. Whatever gratitude you feel, spill it with love and compassion. Whatever conflicts you’re dealing with, spill it.

Dear Thyroid: In 2011, we are going to accomplish… (fill in the blanks). OR, What you did to me in 2010 taught me…

Dear Thyroidectomized Gland OR Thyroid Cancer: How dare you? OR, I have learned… OR, this is not what I expected and as a result…

If you want to write a poem; write a poem or a song, or anything else you wish. JUST WRITE; write your hearts out. Tap a vein and bleed through your finger tips onto the keyboard. Send your literary works to submissions@dearthyroid.org. We will publish your work.

Our voices were strong in 2010. We achieved SO MUCH. Let’s BRING IT, so we can achieve even more. Don’t settle. You define you, not your disease. Say as much. Write as much. Fight back, with love, with hate, with compassion, with whatever you feel so deep inside your heart; you can’t hold back.

Are you with me? Are we same paging?



Dear Thyroid

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6 Responses to “BRING IT for Thyroid Awareness Month”

  1. Amanda says:

    Excellent! Can’t wait to read these! If I can focus long enough, I might even send one in too!


  2. Lolly says:

    I must do something for this I have so much to say but just don’t know where to begin or end as it is just never ending.

    Here’s to Thyroid awareness month I’m gonna wear a plaque round my neck pointing to my 4″ scar saying “Nothing so Grave as having your thyroid removed.


  3. I hope so, Amanda! I’m definitely going to write something, too. I’m so excited about shouting at the top of my lungs about far too many things. What about you?

    • Amanda says:

      So excited that I just sent my rambling rage of a letter in. Of course I can’t follow a rule to save my life, but it felt good anyway.


  4. Oh, Lolly, you took the words right out of my mouth “where to begin or end as it is just never ending”. I am not sure where to begin or who I want to write to. Maybe multiple submissions?

    BEAUTIFULLY AND TRAGICALLY TRUE! I’m so glad you said that. You’re right. Can we make a T-shirt out of that and say that it was by Lolly? That’s one heck of a statement, lady.


  5. Lolly says:

    @ Katie Of course you can use that for a T-shirt but bags the XXXLL for myself right!!!!! these thyoobs are just going to make the logo distorted. 🙂

    Yes with those titles I see a few letter or poetry or even a thytune coming from me, so much to say, held it back far too long now, time to let it all out..What you say Katiegirl??? can’t wait to read what you have to say and don’t be pulling no punches tell it like it is the Lolly/ Katie way.


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