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Wednesday May 1st 2024


I Cannot Change you, but you have Changed Me

Post Published: 20 May 2011
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 7 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Thyroid Cancer,

Thank you for showing me how strong I am.

Thank you for revealing to me who my real friends really are.

Thank you for making me a vessel to get the word out about this ignored disease.

Thank you for reminding me to stop and smell the roses sometimes.

Thank you for showing me how truly wonderful and strong the man is that I married.

Thank you for giving me a happy face scar to remind me that vanity is not important and everyday is to be enjoyed.

Thank you for allowing me to find other things besides physical activity to make me happy.

Thank you for teaching me about inner peace.

Thank you for renewing my relationships.

Thank you for testing my courage because until you came into my life I never knew I had any.

Thank you for teaching my family and I that it’s not okay to sweat the small things.

Thank you for bringing other cancer survivors into my life that teach me new things every day.

Thank you for allowing me to realize that stress is evil.

Thank you for revealing to me that I cannot change you but you have changed me.



(Bio) I am a thyroid cancer survivor. I was diagnosed at age 26  one year ago with stage two thyroid cancer.  I had three cancerous tumors as well as many cancer filled lymph nodes.  I am still with cancer and hoping for an end to this someday soon. I have written this poem because  for a very long time I was extremely negative every day about why this disease choose me.  In time I have to come realize that it was time for me to change in a positive way and find what I can learn from this disease. I was a scholarship athlete (swimmer) and very healthy with no cancer in my entire family history. Shellene

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7 Responses to “I Cannot Change you, but you have Changed Me”

  1. michellegutie says:


  2. WOW!!!!! What a strongggggggggggggg person you are, beautiful!!

  3. Shannon says:

    I am so proud of you, my amazing and courageous sister.
    You continue to be a shining star for me and others.
    I love you with all my heart and am so thankful for you. Congratulations!!

  4. Michelene says:

    Very beautiful! Your thoughts on how stress is evil is so true! It causes so much negativity. You are so very strong. Love everything you are thankful for. Keep fighting the fight and stay connected here:) Would love to know the positive things, (that are not physical, etc.) that you do in order to stay positive 🙂 Stay strong! Thank you so much:) Mich

  5. Rachel says:

    Thank you so much. I totally feel as you do. This disease has given me a new lease on life and I am appreciative of how it has affected my life in this manner.

  6. Anna says:

    Thank you! Yes, we are all stronger through adversity!

  7. lilouko says:

    I am very proud of you,you are so very strong!!!!!!!!!!!! kisses

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