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At 20, In College, And I’m Majoring In Hyperthyroidism?!

Post Published: 07 July 2011
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 5 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Thyroid;

I had never taken a biology course, in highschool or university. I was unaware of the havoc you could wreak on a person. When I started feeling tired all the time, I assumed I needed to go to the gym a little more often. When I started getting severe anxiety, I started skipping classes and staying in bed. Finally I made it to the doctor, where she informed me I had hyperthyroidism. I’ve been on medication now for 4 months, and my levels aren’t even close to going back to normal. The insomnia, anxiety, sickness, and general tiredness have made me miss more classes than I can count. I have been told to seriously consider delaying my senior year of my undergrad to get better. I am nothing but angry with you, because I know I have missed too many events already and I don’t want to miss any more. I have only recently discovered this site, and it has made me feel like I am not alone in this sickness, because so many of my friends and family members simply do not understand. Who knew one tiny organ could mess up so much.



Bio: I am a 20 year old University student. This winter I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism, and finding this website has given me a huge uplift in my spirit.

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5 Responses to “At 20, In College, And I’m Majoring In Hyperthyroidism?!”

  1. My heart goes out to you as I know just what you are going through! I was diagnosed with Graves Disease my freshman year of college. My school wanted me to withdraw for the semester and start again in the fall (it was spring semester), but I was stubborn. They eventually worked with me so that I got an incomplete in one of my most time consuming classes so I could finish over the summer. It’s hard. And schools don’t know how to handle illnesses like this because it just isn’t common. Some professors were sympathetic, some didn’t care, and I even had one who cared the least because she was struggling with it herself and she just couldn’t feel pity for anyone else. I’m so sorry you are going through this. I know how hard it is and how frustrating the waiting can be. Do what you feel best doing. If staying in school helps you keep your mind focused on something else – then do it! If staying in school just brings to much stress to your life on top of it all, then give it a semester. Listen to your gut and take care of yourself first. School will always be there.

  2. Jenny says:

    Thank you for writing and sharing. I’m sorry for all your frustrations and hurt, know you are not going through this alone. I too have found this website to lift my spirits and find I am in fact not alone. You have every right to be angry and frustrated, but I am also finding hope through my research and this website. Is it possible they would work with you at all? I agree with Maggie, take care of yourself first. Some people just dont know, understand or sadly care. Ignorance, I am finding is not our friend, so we have to battle it with the knowledge we have. It can be draining (stress can really take whatever energy you have) but do what you can, keeping your chin up lady. There are so many of us here to help you know you are not alone, and we DO understand.
    Hugs to you!

  3. Lauren says:

    Thank you both so much for your words, it really helps. My professors have been wonderful, but I am a music major, (piano is my main and voice is my secondary instrument,) and so this year I have found it hard to keep up physically with my voice practices. I wonder do many people have problems with their vocal chords? I used to be a high soprano and when I was really sick I could barely sing those parts. My parents and I are thinking that taking a year off is going to be the best thing for me. So as of right now I am slowly accepting the fact that I will not graduate with my friends, but I am hoping to be there (I go to school out of province). If the school will allow, I’m going to try and take two distance courses so I can make up for the classes of my last semester! Thanks again, you ladies have given me a big boost in spirits today!

  4. Lauren says:

    I was diagnosed my freshman year of college with Graves Disease I totally and completely understand 100% what you are going through. I am going into my junior year at Mizzou now… Best of luck to you! I took time off for treatments and it was THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE. better to take a step back than to cause more stress on your self to only make it worse. If you need anything or just need someone to vent/talk to please feel free to facebook me or email me. Sometimes the best thing you can do it just vent/scream/cry to someone who understands. I didnt have this opportunity because i didnt know a thing about what was going on with my body and i was learning as i went. please dont hesitate, im serious im here if you need anything!

  5. mari says:

    I FUCKING HATE HYPERTHYROIDISM. sorry, its that i cant stop crying. its making me feel miserable, and I have had to drop a class because a teacher of mine was angry at me for missing class. I HATE THIS DISEASE and no one takes it seriously.

    im sorry for doing this here, but i just have had ENOUGH.

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