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This Man is Gunning for you, Mr. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Post Published: 16 August 2011
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 13 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Thyroid,

It was you, not my age. You think you are so clever. But, I figured you out with a little help. You thought you could trick me by starting up a year after I turned 30 and making me think I was just getting older.

You live in a 33 year old male who has been mostly friendly and positive in his life. I need the energy you provide to continue to be a bright, creative mechanical engineer. We were a great team when we lost weight and became a more active person. But, you have let me down recently. You made me more tired after I would work out.  You had me wondering why I couldn’t lose those last few pounds or gain muscle mass, no matter how well I ate or how hard I worked. You made me feel good to just take it easy on more days than I was used to. You dulled my usually sharp mind. You decreased my libido and made me less interested in women. You made me feel episodes of depression which I attributed to either being single or stress at work.

You couldn’t resist. You got too greedy with my lower libido and depression. They tipped me off that it wasn’t just my age but something was not right with me. What did you expect? I felt depressed the same day I ran my first half marathon. Plus, I didn’t respond to the obvious advances of a Jenny McCarthy look-alike!

You pushed me too far and I went to find emotional help. You met a tough adversary then, an experienced therapist. On my first visit with her, she called you out. She told me to check your levels. I did and my doctor told me you weren’t working like you are supposed to. I started taking levothyroxine to do your job for you, but my doctor and I wanted to know what your problem was. After a few antibody tests, we found out it was Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, so my body doesn’t like you. Well, I have news for you. Neither do I.

I recently found out about you and you seem to have rewarded me with feeling worse. The cycle of good days and bad days drive me nuts. Your fatigue completely saps me of any energy. I’m stuck on the couch for days. You know I love to spend my free time being active and outdoors with running, biking, hiking, playing tennis, racquetball and whatever I’m feeling that day. You know all of this, so why do you have to take that away from me some days?

The other symptom that you really bother me with is my mood. You make me feel bipolar. Some days I’m my normal, happy-go-lucky, social self where I can deal with stress and people easily. The other days you make it harder to deal with anything, and make me want seclusion from people. During those bad days, I feel like you stole my soul. My life is grey. I’m a zombie. Jokes aren’t funny. Good music sounds annoying. Pretty women go unnoticed. You know what it’s like trying to date or meet women with grey days and no soul? Speaking of relationships, I’ve let the people I’m close to and fellow coworkers know about you, so they know I wasn’t crazy, just that you weren’t doing your job.

I look forward to the day when I have you under control. Oh yeah. You heard me, “when;” not “if”. I’m going to be positive and beat you. I’ve overcome a lot in this life and I’m not going to let you keep me down.  Now I know about you, I’m coming after you with whatever it takes.  It might include 2nd, 3rd, or umpteenth medical opinions. But, rest assured, you found a fight.

Submitted by Corey M. Blauch: Facebook




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13 Responses to “This Man is Gunning for you, Mr. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis”

  1. steph says:

    OMG. Reading these stories always makes me cry. 😉 I was 14 when I was diagnosed with Hypo. And funny. All the adults in my life claiming they were tired. I just thought it was part of becoming an adult and how much adults suck! LOL. I had it for about a year or two I think before the doctor figured it out. I just slept my teenage years away.
    So having to deal with it for half of my life has had a lot of ups and downs. I feel mostly my body is really sensitive to things. I was a vegetarian for a long time. I ate soy everyday and my TSH was at it’s highest it was in a while. Very depressed at this time I was even thrown on prozac. (although my doc claims soy is ok….I don’t want to risk it again) I started eating some meat cause I felt like I had too. Just chicken and fish. even though i prefer veggie most times. I avoid soy usually always.
    I am on Synthroid too. I hear all this wonder stuff about Dissociated thyroid meds taking away all symptoms and making people feel better. But I have no idea where to get it in Ontario also I’m deathly afraid of doing the switch over and feeling as bad as I had in the past. My good times/bad times now are hardly as bad as they were and I can tolerate it. Ok, I’m just rambling.
    your story just touched me and I related to it. Just so you know things do get better and you still can enjoy your life and do all the activities you used to love to do. Even if sometimes like me you fight it. I might be feeling off and be like freg it I’m going for a bike ride! sometimes it even makes me feel a little better. hang in there. be happy. life gets better. trust me.

  2. Anne Crawford says:

    Oh, wow. What a story!! Sounds identical to mine & many others here. But you have a GREAT attitude & that will help you on the bad days!! Wish my story was like yours……I ended up with papillary thyroid cancer & had a total thyroidectomy. I am on Synthroid & Cytomel–most days, I’m fine. I like to run, spin, lift weights & take Pilates. Last night I took a spin class; got on the eliptical trainer this morning & took Pilates–won’t be doing that again so close together!!! A year and a half ago–no problem!! So I’ll have to be on the couch this afternoon…..but I know not to fight it; just accept & know that tomorrow is another day.

    As I said, your attitude will help you tremendously. And know that we are all in this together!!

    We’re here for you, Corey!!


  3. Linda says:

    Excellent to see a man posting about Hashi’s (not excellent that you have it of course)
    Kick some Hashi ASS!
    We’re all in this fight together!

  4. Den says:

    Sorry to hear you have hashis too but reading about someone else having it helps to make you feel less alone! Dx

  5. Merrit says:

    Yes, such similar stories we all have. I have Hashi too and continuing the ass kicking fight of my own. Hang in there. I also have a friend who is male and he is finally getting to the point where his efforts are paying off for him. He is very active and able to keep up with what he loves doing. I on the other hand haven’t gotten there yet, but I have had some improvement in certain areas. It is a long, slow battle for me, but I know there is hope.

  6. Melissa says:

    Thanks so much for writing this! You don’t typically hear about men who have this disease and you offer a fresh perspective. I also have Hashimoto’s (was diagnosed in 2005) and it’s not fun at all especially on the “grey days.” They still haven’t figured out the right level of Synthroid I should be on since it changes like every month and I just spent the last 6 months with severe shortness of breath symptoms. I am slowly starting to feel better but am so angry that this disease has robbed me of so much. I too have a fighting spirit and will get to the bottom of this someday soon. Hang in there! *hugs*

  7. Corey says:

    Thank you all for your responses. It’s good to know you aren’t the only one. I hope to write a success letter in the future. I also would like thank the people that started this website.

  8. Deardra says:

    I am sorry to hear you are having a hard time of it.
    I think the thing that has helped me most in balancing my hormone levels and regaining a sense of normalcy has been seeing a very good nutritionist in addition to an endocrinologist. It can be expensive – but in my experience absolutely worth it. The nutritionist will look at things that a regular MD or endo likely won’t. like adrenal fatigue, free T3 and vitamin deficiencies that this condition has def. predisposed me to. Most days now I feel normal. I lose weight if I try, I can gain muscle mass, etc.. But it takes constant monitoring and I have to really pay attention to my body and it is a pain in the ass. If you can get the proper treatment for your condition it will get better. Best of luck to you.

  9. Allison says:

    I love how honest and open you are. I feel like when I talk with people about having hashimotos they think I am nuts. Doesn’t help that I appear to be nuts because of the ups and downs. The great days and then the bad days. I started running and have lost a little bit of weight. But I have bad days where I cant move and they hold me back and affect every single thing I do!!! When and not if! I like that!!!

  10. Sandi84 says:

    I can definitely relate to how it feels to no longer be able to work out and do the things that I used to love doing. I am still in the process of lowering my TSH level. The highest it was recorded at was 5.8 which apparently isn’t considered very high, but as as I read other people’s stories I am more and more convinced that the fatigue that I feel is from Hashimoto’s. Has anyone else been told they shouldn’t feel SO fatigued when their level is only 5.8? Today I tried a new doctor and she told me I was probably stressed and that I needed to work out. This irritated me since my fatigue is so bad that I can barely get through the work day, let alone work out afterwards! I know how good it feels to work out and used to run 3 miles a day at least 3-5 times a week… don’t you think I would be working out if I could?

  11. Rick says:

    I’ve also had Hashimoto’s since 2007. I’m 39 now and feel like I’m 79 most days. It took investigative work on the Internet myself to diagnose it, since the 4 doctors in Kentucky just dismissed it as “all in my head”. Vanderbilt were the ones who finally did all the right tests and agreed to treat me based on my symptoms since my TSH, T4, T3 were all in the normal range, but I had TPO antibodies. Synthroid however, just doesn’t do it for me.

  12. Ricardo says:

    I just got diagnosed with hashimotos today im a 24 yr old male about to be 25 in 2 months,i hear its happens mostly in women? could me being gay have something to do with it?! LOL just some humor…but ya it sucks but im ready to begin meds my doctor seems to be very familialar with it, it is at its ultimate potential and i feel like frickin crap but one life to live and im ready to grab this disease by the balls and take control positive thinking positive outcome im too young for this shi*t nd have to much i wannna do:) lets go to battle people mind over matter! i wish every success and the best results and pray for you all to feel better becuase currently i feel like a 85 yr old man.

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