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Life Redefined: Worthy of Love

Post Published: 07 February 2012
Category: Column, Life Redefined, Thyroid Cancer in Young Adults Column
This post currently has 12 responses. Leave a comment

This past August I had an ablation dose of RAI to try and destroy the remaining thyroid tissue in my thyroid bed. This was my third ablation, so I knew what to expect. Low iodine diet, thyrogen, dose, bowel prep, scan, wait, results. When I was at the hospital to take the RAI, I set up the time of my scan–Monday morning at 7:00. The tech who gave me the pill said she would also be the one to do my scan. So I take the pill and head home with all my instructions for my sequestration. On Sunday, the day before my scan, I have to do the bowel prep. That means no solid food and a laxative. Yay. Without going into details, the bowel prep kept me up most of the night. I was able to get about 45 minutes of sleep before I rolled out of bed, threw on the nearest clothes, and headed to the hospital without even bothering to take a shower. So basically I looked like death warmed over.

When I get to the hospital and check in at the radiology department, I wait for the tech to come get me. She’s nice enough. Older lady, not very talkative, pronounces nuclear “nucular.” But she’s nice. So I’m sitting there waiting on her. I’m the only one in the waiting room, which is fine with me because I exhausted. As I’m waiting, this tall, handsome young man dressed in navy blue scrubs comes into the waiting room. I know all the techs in the nuclear medicine department and I don’t know this guy, so I know he’s not there to get me. But then he calls my name. And the first thing that goes through my head is, “Crap. This guy is really cute and I’ve never looked worse!” There’s nothing I can do but stand up and walk with him. I learn that he’s a student studying nuclear medicine technology and he’s going to do my scan. I’m not exaggerating when I tell you this was the most pleasant experience I’ve ever had at the hospital. I walk out of the hospital grateful for Facebook and the opportunity to find my handsome tech and hopefully get to know him outside of the hospital setting. Fast forward to today and my handsome tech and I are in love and planning to get married later this year.

I’m not telling you this just so you’ll “oo” and “aahhh” over my love story. I’m telling you this story to remind you that you are worthy of love. No matter how bad you feel or look, you are worthy of love. We all have some kind of baggage. And we’ve probably all been hurt by someone we thought loved us, but couldn’t deal with our baggage. But that does NOT mean you shouldn’t be loved by someone. No matter how low you are in life, you will always be worthy of love. I’m not suggesting that everyone should to go to the hospital and woo the cutest nuclear medicine tech. I’m not even suggesting you search out romantic love right now. But I am asking you to remember true love is not conditional, and that means you can receive and give love NO MATTER WHAT.

As you go throughout the rest of your day, I hope you’ll carry this message with you. Remember that you’re worthy of love. You can give it and you’re worthy of receiving it. Not only that, but know that you ARE loved…by me and Katie and the entire Dear Thyroid team.


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12 Responses to “Life Redefined: Worthy of Love”

  1. Melissa Travis says:

    I don’t know how you manage to make me cry every time I least expect it. I have a sign on my mirror that says this: “I am worth loving. It is safe to be loved. I am safe. I let people love me.”

    This resonates with me so much. It just does. Mostly because I shut people out when I am hurting and afraid. I don’t expect them to WANT to love me. Thank you for this beautiful reminder.


  2. Lisa Byrski says:

    I just started reading your posts Joanna, and this is wonderful. So brillantly said! I might have to quote you.
    Congrats on your upcoming marriage.

  3. Kristine says:

    WOW!! I really needed to see this…funny how I always find a reminder just when I need to see it…thank you for sharing and for posting this…(:

    • Thank you for reading and commenting, Kristine. I think we all need to be reminded from time to time that YES, WE ARE WORTHY OF LOVE. I hope you carry this reminder with you and share it with those around you! xo

  4. Agreed, Melissa. I’ve been reduced to tears, very happy, meaningful tears. THANK YOU, JOANNA. This article is so important because so many of us feel undeserving of love. Thank you for reminding us that we do.

    PS: I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU. This is a terrific love story and a great reminder that love is in places we never look for it. Perhaps, keeping our hearts open isn’t a bad thing.

    Love you

  5. Cyndi says:

    More than four weeks into my RAI prep. Hoping to have a clear scan on Feb. 17. Feeling sorry for myself, and this helped me to remember, I will be whole again. That includes mother, wife, teacher, and most importantly, human. Congratulations to you and your tech. Congratulations on being cancer-free, too!

    • Wow, Cyndi, thank you for commenting! How did your scan go? I’m so glad you are remembering that you can be whole again and you will as long as you keep moving forward like you are right now. Is it always easy? No. Do we sometimes want to quit pressing on? Yes. Is the pain worth it? YES. A new, whole life is attainable for us. We just to endure the pain of fighting for it. Keep fighting, Cyndi! xxoo

  6. Lolly says:

    Joanna I am so happy for you too what a love story one to tell the kids and grandkids if you have any in years to come you deserve to be loved.. Lollyxoxox

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