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Hashimoto’s, How Much More of ME do you Expect?

Post Published: 10 April 2012
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 10 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Thyroid,

I need you and you have let me down!! You have made me sicker then I have ever new was possible… You have compromised my health, my life, my sole and my mind… I have never felt this bad, you have made me tired and unable to perform my daily tasks at times, but yet I carry on.

You have caused me to have more anxiety then any one should have to deal with… You have caused the me to not be able to define whether or not it’s you or my anxiety or other hormones that are making me sick!! But I have a feeling that it is you… You have caused my family to suffer to, because unlike you, they love me…

I hate you for doing this to me, because you have labeled me and I feel like a sick weak person, I don’t feel like I can do the things I loved to do, because my energy is too low at times.. you make my body ache, you make my heart pound and you have made me start gaining weight back, that I worked so hard to get off, and now I have to fight to get back what I lost and I am not sure I will ever get it back..

You have given me hashimotos, something I never asked for, but I will not give in to you!! You are the looser here!!! Because I will live on while you shrivel up and die.

Written by, Danette Mullinex (on Facebook)


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10 Responses to “Hashimoto’s, How Much More of ME do you Expect?”

  1. melanie says:

    so, so true!!!!!

  2. Katie Mitchell says:

    I feel your frustration. People who do not suffer from Hashimoto’s don’t fully comprehend the debilitating effects it has on one’s body. It STINKS beyond words. I wish you the best in your fight to find yourself again.

  3. Kelly says:

    All I can say is wow! You described me to a tee. It’s amazing how much your thyroid can destroy your life.

  4. shanna kneifer says:

    I will overcome you. I keep pushing everyday.

  5. Audrey W. says:

    You are not alone. This whole auto-immune thing is making me crazy. I’ve gotten a great deal of relief from drastically changing my diet, though. No gluten, no dairy, no soy. Very little other grains as well. Few starchy vegetables. No raw cruciferous vegetables and limited amounts of them cooked. My energy level is much better, my muscles are regaining strength, I no longer have palpitations, and I’ve lost 19 pounds! I still have a congested throat that drives me insane, though I’m not sure if that’s thyroid related. I’m keeping a food journal and writing everything down that I put into my mouth…trying to make definite connections. It’s a process, so don’t give up. Giving up some favorite foods is a good trade off to get health back. It’s been helping me so far…hopefully it will help some of you as well! Keep the faith!

    • LEE says:

      I started doing the same thing as of March 1st with the Gluten Free eating/ food diary. Its hard to start but i am feeling the benefits from it. Stay strong!!

    • Jane FP says:

      Thank you for your “take charge” response. I am struggling with implications of diagnosis/recent news and want to know how to actively fight back/take some control.

  6. Sabinaut says:

    It’s not the thyroid’s fault! It is being attacked by the immune system. It can’t do it’s job properly. I think our poor thyroid’s need more love and support, not less.

  7. Ruth Feldman says:

    I just googled hypothyroidism-strangling sensation and then acid reflux. Apparently acid reflux can be “silent” and painless. Hypothyroidism can cause lack of sufficient stomach acid to properly digest food, which can cause reflux. Of course, diet and eating habits can be to blame also. Acid reflux can irritate the throat and esophagus. Moreover, reflux can cause mucus to clog the throat, even cause sinusitis. For years I had so much mucus draining down the back of my throat I seriously thought that some day I might die from strangling on it. Thought it was from allergies. Nope, silent reflux. Gave up my morning coffee, stopped eating before bed and improved 90%. Unfortunately, I still have some problem, clearing of the throat, coughing. Really tired of it. I’m impressed by Audry’s discipline and determination.

  8. LEE says:

    thank you for posting this. b4 finding this site, my physician made me feel like this “hashimotos” was “hormones she said none of my symptoms could be related to my thryoid- (had been biopsy and all the red carpet business for it).

    But thank goodness for this site. now i don’t feel crazy or alone there are more people with symptoms thank you thank you.

    I to have changed my diet to Gluten Free as of March 1st just see if that would help. Stay strong!!

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