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New York City Dear Thyroid Meet Up – Who is in?

Post Published: 30 April 2012
Category: Guest Bloggers
This post currently has 3 responses. Leave a comment

My name is Catrina. I was diagnosed with Graves Disease and nodules near the thyroid August of 2011.  At the age of 24 I was just like any other 20 something year old…I love to shop, hang with friends, I live on my own and I am enjoying my life as an independant woman. The diagnosis stopped me in my tracks because I knew nothing about it. I was ashamed and I didnt want anyone knowing because I didnt want people taking pitty on me or thinking I was disgusting (once people hear the word “disease,” they swear your contagious). I also didnt want to be treated differently…. I went to my nuclear medicine appointments by myself, and my sonogram alone. It honestly was the hardest thing I’ve had to do in my life to date.

I had and still have days where I don’t wanna take my meds because of how they make me feel or how heavy I seemed to be getting. I went through a stint of severe depression. Now I am starting to understand, and little by little accept the illness. I started looking for groups that explained more or brought more awareness and that’s when I found Dear Thyroid. I think it would be great and fulfilling to be able to go to   support group with others like me or those who have been through this. I am reaching out from NYC…..there’s billions of places to meet and chat. Even with the nice weather coming parks are always great. If anyone knows of any support groups in NY let me know.


Please contact Katie@DearThyroid.org, so I can connect you with Catrina for a meet-up in NYC. Let’s come together offline for some great support.

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3 Responses to “New York City Dear Thyroid Meet Up – Who is in?”

  1. Elaine says:

    How about NJ. Look up Wilma on Face Book….Stevie Jo Ellie’s Thyroid Cancer Care Fund. She would know. Or check in on my Graves’Diease Coffee Break on FB. I think I saw a few in NY

  2. eva says:

    Hi Catrina,

    i know exactly how you feel. i too am 24 year old girl, living alone, suffering thyroid disease. I was diagnosed in my teens when my periods stopped but wasnt given enough replacement so i got worse, developed nodules and a goitre. i didnt get a “period” again until i was perscribed contraceptive pill hormones to induce one over 5 years later (2010).

    The pill was disastrous for me as it totally wiped my system of free T4 (these hormones interact!) and i gained just under 20kg in the following 2 months! i was terrified and stopped taking it when i was hospitalised for severe anemia and fluid retention. My periods didnt return and i found a different endocrinologist who advised that given enough thyroid replacement my periods would have come back and the pill was a definite “NO” for me! The anaemia and fluid retention were also a symptoms of my body needing more thyroid replacement. but i had the tiredness, dry skin, constipation, slow pulse and reactions and dry hair the whole time.

    2 years later i’ve gradually worked my way up to a decent dose, my periods have returned in the last 6 months (very irregular but should even out in time), i’m not as tired and anaemic, hair and eyebrows have improved. constipation isnt as bad but i still havent lost that 20kg, i am hopeful that i will soon.

    i never told anyone outside of my immediate family about my “disease” until i was hospitalised in 2010. i had to confess why i had missed work! i was pleasantly surprised at how supportive the majority have been, although they will never understand how debilitating this problem can be they are there to help when they can. its hard to explain that you have a problem and the medication will fix it but still be symptomatic 2 years later! its a gradual process, painfully slow at times, 3steps forward, 2 steps back but we’ll get there in the end and help from friends and family will ease the load 🙂 hope you get a group together in NYC, i’m based in the UK but am happy to chat online if you need a fellow “patient”‘s advice, or just an ear to listen 🙂
    take no notice of anyone negative towards our thyroid problems. if they had one day in our shoes they’d be more understanding!

  3. jim ainoris says:

    I have been battling thyroid cancer since 1991. You must stay very physically and mentally active..or severe depression can result as well as fatigue amd weight gain. I have severe fatigue and pain in legs for years but push myself to limit and think positive. Mine was so bad years ago but now no more complaints… I study about it in brooklyn alot this also helps. Shalom

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