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Hi There, Thyroid, Let’s Be Friends

Post Published: 08 August 2012
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters, Teenagers with thyroid diseases
This post currently has 6 responses. Leave a comment

Dear thyroid,

You’re a little lazy, I have to say. Apathetic? Sure. Feel useless? Yep.

You & I aren’t so different from each other, thyroid. Maybe we could get along.

The thing is, neither of us should be any of those things. I can’t be lazy & apathetic because I need good grades to go to college. I nearly flunked out of freshman year of high school, mostly because of myself but partially because of you. You definitely can’t feel useless. You have a use.

You made me spend most of my summer worrying & being terrified of having leukemia. All of my symptoms pointed to leukemia. Bone pain, extreme tiredness, anemia, pale skin, mysterious, prolonged bruising. I convinced myself I had it and was terrified for months. (And I’m still not sure about the mysterious bruising but I’m not going to blame you for that.) not to even mention the depression I was slowly sinking into.

Clean your act up, because I’m tired of being sick and in pain.

Of course, I know that isn’t going to happen. These pills will hopefully do it for you. But still, try your best, okay?


*pats neck* Have a nice day.

Best wishes!


BIO: I’m a 15 year old girl with recently diagnosed (August 2nd) hypothyroidism. I don’t know yet if it’s Hashimoto’s. I was prescribed 50 mcg of Levoxl a day. I’ve never met or seen online anyone with a thyroid disorder that’s as young as I am. Anyone here know anyone?

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6 Responses to “Hi There, Thyroid, Let’s Be Friends”

  1. Laura says:

    I’m 17 and I was diagnosed with Hashimotos’s when I was 16. It does get better (or in my case it has) let the tablets do their work. Yes its hard when your shattered and you have got exams to sit but you just have to work through it!. I live in the UK and managed to have a year out of college and still pass all the exams I sat.

    Hope this helps 🙂 there are a few of us young ones out there!!


  2. Rose says:

    I was 17-18 when symptoms started. At 19 was miss diagnosed as having Grave’s disease which is a type of HYPERthyroidism, but then was diagnosed as Hypothyroid with Hashimotos disease. I have been on Levothyroxine for 9 years now and although for the most part my symptoms have cleared, I still notice them every so often. I have given up grains and all meat except seafood. I am reading more and more about the negative effects of dairy and thyroid disease and am thinking of trying to cut that out and see if I can decrease my medication to see if my thyroid function can be restored with a whole foods diet. I watched Forks over knives on netflix and am inspired as I have seen first hand how much power our diets have over our health! Good luck

  3. Michelle says:

    I’m 12 and was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism. The docotors just told me that but nothing else. I agree with you I was flunking because I would forget to take my pills and would start feeling so tired. I also use 50mcg. I wanted to know if you have a diet cause the I don’t know if I have to have one and what to eat

    • alex says:

      hey michelle,
      i don’t have a special diet, but on my prescription it says not to eat any soy or walnuts, so i avoid those. that’s about it, though. i don’t think you have to have one, but you should probably ask your doctor. (if you like her/him, some doctors really suck.) i know this is crappy but i’d say it’s a good thing you were diagnosed so young. i’m not trying to say you’re lucky or anything but at least you won’t spend middle school and high school worrying about yourself like i did 🙂


  4. Katlin says:

    Hey Alex:)

    Yes! I started suffering years ago, just before freshman year of highschool. I am not a junior in college and just learned a couple days ago it is hashimotos hypothyroidism. It took me 6 years for anyone to take me seriously. I worried it was cancer a couple times and would go get my blood drawn just to have nothing turn up. I started on synthroid yesterday so hopefully with that and a good diet things finally will start to turn around! Are you doing any better with your meds? I’m probably going to start a detox diet too, which will hopefully speed up progress! Best wishes,


  5. Samantha says:

    Hi Alex,

    I’m trying to write a book to help teachers and parents understand students with hypothyroidism. I’d love to include your story. How did your experience with hypothyroidism affect your performance in school? How did your friends or family react? If you have any advice or stories you’d like to share, I think it would be great to hear them.

    Thanks so much, from a fellow hypothyroid teen,

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