We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Saturday May 4th 2024


Author Archive

Autoimmune Hypothyroidism: The Bigger Picture

Autoimmune Hypothyroidism: The Bigger Picture

While it may be impossible to cover everything about autoimmune disease treatment in a series of blogs, I hope I’m giving readers a spattering of information that excites their taste [Read] | one response.

Autoimmune Hypothyroidism: Throwing Water on the Fire

Autoimmune Hypothyroidism: Throwing Water on the Fire

Last week we touched on the importance of identifying the antigen in autoimmune cases.  Never underestimate the importance of this step, but understand that this alone is worthless if [Read] | no responses.

Life Redefined: Seventy Thousand

Life Redefined: Seventy Thousand

Cancer awareness is kind of an interesting concept for me. We are ALL aware of cancer, right? I mean, we all know that exists, we all know the physical effects it can have on a body, and [Read] | 8 responses.

Life Redefined: Waiting

Life Redefined: Waiting

I’m really bad at waiting, especially when it comes to waiting for my doctor to call. Usually, I call his office several times bugging them to give me some answers. When scheduling a [Read] | 2 responses.

Autoimmune Hypothyroidism: Addressing False Negatives

Autoimmune Hypothyroidism: Addressing False Negatives

Written by Dr. Kevin Conners Last week we discussed the immune system and how it is separated into a Th1 and Th2 response.  The Th1 response is the killer-cell, destroyer, police [Read] | no responses.

Autoimmune Hypothyroidism: Stopping the Attack

Autoimmune Hypothyroidism: Stopping the Attack

Written by Dr. Kevin Conners In lesson two we discovered that Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease where your immune system has ‘turned-on’ against something that either isn’t [Read] | 9 responses.

A Nuclear Reaction: My response to the potential danger posed by the nuclear reactors in Japan

A Nuclear Reaction: My response to the potential danger posed by the nuclear reactors in Japan

We’ve had tons of discussion within the past day regarding the nuclear reactors in Japan and the potential danger involved. We don’t all agree with each other, and that’s [Read] | 10 responses.

Life Redefined: When will I get back to normal?

Life Redefined: When will I get back to normal?

I talk to a lot of survivors who ask me, “When will I get back to normal?” or, “When will I be my old self again?” I get it. I’ve asked those same questions many times before. [Read] | 12 responses.

Life Redefined: Transitioning

Life Redefined: Transitioning

When I was first diagnosed with thyroid cancer, I was hyper-focused on the coming weeks and months that would be filled with treatment. I had surgery, then the low-iodine diet, and then [Read] | 2 responses.

Life Redefined: Grieving Forward

Life Redefined: Grieving Forward

When I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, I immediately began looking forward to the day when I would be back to normal. That is what I was working towards, getting back to my old [Read] | 18 responses.

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