We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Thursday May 2nd 2024


Dear Thyroid Letters

Thyroid, You Really Know how to Ruin a Girl’s Day, or is that Life…?!

Dear Thyroid, It was years ago that I started to feel your debilitating effects. Six years, to be exact. I was in my freshman year of high school, a year that is supposed to be full [Read]

Dear Thyroid, Can we please Get Back Together?

Dear Thyroid, let's get back together?! We've been friends since childhood. We helped each other, listened to each other and we could not imagine that something could change between [Read]

Anything Grey, But 50 Shades

  I learned about grey a long time ago and how much better it is to see life through a grey lens than a black and white one, which was and is too myopic. Speaking for myself, [Read]

Hi There, Thyroid, Let’s Be Friends

Dear thyroid, You're a little lazy, I have to say. Apathetic? Sure. Feel useless? Yep. You & I aren't so different from each other, thyroid. Maybe we could get along. The [Read]

A Tribute to Brooke Milander

I’m not really sure where to begin. How can I even attempt to sum up the awesomeness of Brooke Milander in one article? Yet here I am writing, so those of you who didn’t know Brooke [Read]

Dear Thyroid, What – IS – WRONG – WITH – YOU?!

Dear Thyroid, Why can't I find any Standardize Healthcare to abolish you?! Why do I have to advocate my care, yet am expected to pay a Dr? Why do Docs act like they understand, when [Read]

Thyroid, Meet Me Halfway, Please

Dear Thyroid, I remember the first time we met. I was a budding undergraduate, passionate about art history, determined to be the first in my family to graduate from college. [Read]

College Was Supposed to be the Happiest Time of my Life

Dear Thyroid, First of all, I'd like to express how deeply I hate you. Even though you're no longer with me, I still hate you with a fiery, burning passion that only Hell can [Read]

I Wish I Knew What My Thyroidectomy Will Bring…

Dear Thyroid, Well it is only two more days until we part ways. I'm not really sure what to think. They say my levels are normal, but I sure as hell don't feel normal. I had some [Read]

Dear Doctor, If I Could Change My Thyroid Cancer Story…

Dear Doctor, Did you know that 25% of women will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime? Look out into your waiting room…that means you will see at least 3 of those [Read]

Dear Thyroid Columns

Introducing the THYROID APP by, Mary Shomon and My Med Lab!

  We love Mary Shomon so much! Together with My Med Lab, they have created a THYROID APP, which is ready for our use. Please check out this awesome post from Mary and find out [Read]

Chronic Snarkopolist: How to Create Safe Space (& Beauty) During Chronic Illness

Hello my loves! I have missed you! Recently I presented at a conference about being a caretaker. While I was there I was also able to listen to panels and take in many ideas that [Read]

Join the Discussion

Sign up Today for a Teleseminar with Mary Shomon

This outstanding workshop and teleseminar begins tomorrow with thyroid patient advocate and bestselling author, Mary Shomon. Sign up today!   Thyroid patient advocate and [Read]

Announcing the Winner of the I Heart Guts Win A Plushie Thyroid Contest

Congratulations to SAM for winning the I Heart Guts plushie thyroid! Everyone submitted such beautiful, gut-wrenching, funny and clever acrostic poems. Please keep those cards and [Read]

Meet-ups & Guest Bloggers

New York City Dear Thyroid Meet Up – Who is in?

My name is Catrina. I was diagnosed with Graves Disease and nodules near the thyroid August of 2011.  At the age of 24 I was just like any other 20 something year old...I love to shop, [Read]

Super Sunday’s

Super Sunday's are here!! The goal is to make every third Sunday of the month a Meet Up day!! This way if you can't make it one month, you know another Meet Up is just around the corner! [Read]