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Wednesday May 1st 2024


Posts Tagged ‘healing poetry’

Acrostic Poetry Using the Phrase: Poetry in Motion

Acrostic Poetry Using the Phrase: Poetry in Motion

In case you're curious about where Poetry in Motion, comes from, think back to a song you heard when you were growing up or a remake of it in the 80s-90s. Oh, and check this [Read] | no responses.

Invisible Illness is Hardly Invisible

Invisible Illness is Hardly Invisible

In one visit, like every visit, with every doctor Needing; desperate for hope Vague, but excruciating symptoms causing angst, fatigue, pain, cold, exhaustion I listened and [Read] | 4 responses.

Acrostic Poem using the word Overbearing by Joanne

Acrostic Poem using the word Overbearing by Joanne

“Oh well, at least it’s not a bad cancer.” Very understanding of you . . . “Everyone gets tired.” Really?  I’ve never felt like this before. “Buck up!  [Read] | 11 responses.

New Word for Acrostic Poetry: OVERBEARING

New Word for Acrostic Poetry: OVERBEARING

This upcoming week, we're going to take the word overbearing and turn it into an acrostic poem, a story, a song, or any literary work you'd like. In addition, we're adding images. If [Read] | no responses.

Acrostic Poem using the word Benevolence by Judanna

Acrostic Poem using the word Benevolence by Judanna

Believe Enjoy Naturally Everyone's Voice Of Love Enduring Nurturing Core Enlightenment | one response.

Acrostic Poem using the word Benevolence by Joanne

Acrostic Poem using the word Benevolence by Joanne

Boisterous bouts of Energy . . . . . drained. Newly gained Empathy . . . . realized. Visual changes . . . Obvious . . . .  strange. Little by little Everything is . [Read] | 2 responses.

This Week’s Word for Acrostic Poetry: Benevolence

This Week’s Word for Acrostic Poetry: Benevolence

This week's word for acrostic poetry is "Benevolence". Regardless of what benevolence means to you, with respect to your health and how you're feeling about where you're at, please write [Read] | one response.

New Word for Acrostic Poetry: IMPERVIOUS

New Word for Acrostic Poetry: IMPERVIOUS

We chose the word, impervious because of it's definition, "Not allowing something to pass through; not penetrable."  With thyroid cancer and thyroid diseases, we are penetrated to the [Read] | one response.

Acrostic Poem using the word: FORTUITOUS by Keira

Acrostic Poem using the word: FORTUITOUS by Keira

Falling down in a heap onto the hardwood of my bedroom floor. This is the last thing I remember as my world whirls past in blurry pieces; the edges softening and fading until I [Read] | 2 responses.

Acrostic Poem using the Word: FORTUITOUS, by Joanne

Acrostic Poem using the Word: FORTUITOUS, by Joanne

I had confirmation last Monday on removal of my Thyroid, that it was [Read] | 9 responses.

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