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Wednesday May 1st 2024


Posts Tagged ‘thyroid disease blog’

Thyroid, Don’t You Take My Man Away From Me

Thyroid, Don’t You Take My Man Away From Me

Dear Thyroid, Please, I beg you...PLEASE don't screw this up again! I've met an angel, and you've been behaving, but what if you act up?? This man is a dream, and you could ruin [Read] | 4 responses.

Poetry in Motion by: Joanne Naso

Poetry in Motion by: Joanne Naso

When I see my neck, what do I see, Poetry, Poetry in thyroidlessness Poetry in thyroidlessness, walking with exhaustion, keeps my eyes half open. Poetry in thyroidlessness, see [Read] | no responses.

Dear Me, Shortly After Diagnosis

Dear Me, Shortly After Diagnosis

I was dishing with Joanna regarding an essay I had written a few months after I was diagnosed. As a result, we had a conversation about it and came up with an idea: Let's go back in [Read] | 3 responses.

The Holidays Make Me Feel…

The Holidays Make Me Feel…

In today's "Join the Discussion", a literary exercise, let's talk about how the holidays make us feel. With thyroid diseases and thyroid cancers, have the holidays changed for you? If [Read] | 7 responses.

Oh, Dear, Dear Thyroid, Your Gland Can Be Grand Or…

Oh, Dear, Dear Thyroid, Your Gland Can Be Grand Or…

Instead of posting a written Dear Thyroid Letter, we thought we'd turn it over to the community today, to write one. No matter how long or short, whether you want to write to your gland [Read] | 13 responses.