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Friday May 3rd 2024


Thy Cracky

Post Published: 25 August 2009
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
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Dear Thyroid,

First of all, I DO have to say that yesterday; the 4th of July was a lovely day. I spent the day with a friend drinking strong iced coffee, and then visiting several different farms locally, to see the llamas, alpacas, and lovely cows, sheep, piglets, and the baby turkeys. We had a delicious cookout with some young veterans, who pampered us for a change. Blue skies and breezy, I couldn’t ask for a nicer time.  ,  It was a picture perfect day, but in my head, and other vulnerable parts, like my stomach, intestines,  and mostly my foot, I knew that this fabulous feeling would not last.

By the time I got home, I could have killed some terrorists with the gas that I had, and if I timed going to the bathroom just right, no one would hear my explosions during the fireworks. That’s not the worst of it though.

I have been hobbling around for almost a year now with my, my, my all right, I’ll say it, my fucking, fucking, fucking foot!

I could barely walk this morning, and had to work for five hours. I made myself walk home. I have crutches for when it gets really bad, and today is one of those days. So, after I made it up the stairs, grabbed the crutches, and hit the fridge, for what you ask? ICE CREAM! Just a little cup filled to the brim, with a so called light raspberry with chocolate chunks. Not too bad. I enjoy it. ,  When I sit for a bit, my foot does not get better, it gets worse! OW! OW! Goddamit!

Good thing this place is small. I hobbled over to sit at the computer and check emails and peek around Facebook. Well, lah-dee-dah and lo and behold, there is DearThyroid with an article about what you ask, dairy! Waaaahh! I like my ice cream. I want to eat it. But, I want to feel better.

Shit. So, feeling a little (well, maybe a lot) whiny, I poked around for something to read in my bedroom. Thinking that I’d take another peek at Mary Shomon’s “The Thyroid Diet“, for some pointers, I lay on the bed, trying to get my damned foot comfortable, and what did I see on page 19, one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is plantar fasciitis. C’MON! You are responsible for this too?!!!!!

Will you not leave me alone for a minute?

This is precisely why I cannot walk for exercise the way I need to, so that I can lose this fucking weight, so that I won’t look like one of the cows or piggy’s that I love so much! LEAVE ME ALONE!,

I have been to the podiatrist, gotten orthotics for $350 dollars. I have umpteen pairs of shoes with different orthotics and innersoles for every day of the week. I have even have taped my own foot with duct tape. Ain’t that attractive?! ,  I can’t wear pretty girly shoes or even flip flops, and it’s all because of you.

Well, I guess I just have to sit my fat ass down and read some more of Mary’s book, and do some more planning for eating.

In August, I am participating in building a banana split that will be over 120 feet long. I will be helping to build it, and I will be helping to eat it. YOU are not invited, thyroid, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal.

I LOVE wearing my farmer pants, and visiting the farms, but now, you make me look like Walter Brennan, when he played Grandpa on the Real McCoy’s. All that hobbling ’round and wiping his brow with a bandanna. He probably had thyroid problems, too.

Walter Brennan, Dutchmans GoldI reckon if he were here, he’d help me shoot you!,   You are a pain in the ass and the foot! Now, get outta here, ‘thy-cracky!’







Yours truly,

Kathy Taylor

(Bio) Kathy Taylor is 54, married, and a small town gal who never had experienced it, but has recently found out that she absolutely loves being on the farm! What better place for her to get the good foods, and take a little time for herself! Thy-haw!

*Walter Brennan Image courtesy of Stax-o-Wax.

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11 Responses to “Thy Cracky”

  1. Valerie says:

    Holy Crap!!! There for a minute I thought I had written that post. Lose weight they scream….well, if I could walk I would and then I would surely lose some!!!

  2. anita says:

    ahh. the joys of plantar fasciitis. i am totally with you on that one. soooo sorry, it’s not an enjoyable ailment, that’s for sure. i don’t know if you’ve tried using a nite boot, but maybe that is an option? anyway, keep on rockin’ the farm, sounds like alot of fun, actually! love your spirit.

  3. Petala says:

    I have plantar fasciitis in both heels and it screams my name EVERY day and most nights even in bed. Tried everything and nothing works. Never had it before my thyroid decided it wanted to leave me with something to remember it by. As if it’s ever going to leave me no matter if its captured and slung into outerspace by my Endo, which will happen soon. Yayyy! So I cripple around and think about amputating my feet every day in many different ways. It has robbed me of my career and much of my life. Thyroid thief!

  4. Bee says:

    I,too,had /have (it comes and goes) plantar fasciitis-and I’ve had it in one foot and achilles tendonitis in the other ankle…I just love walking around like I have a 2 x 4 up my arse…how about after you’ve been sitting for awhile and go to get up?! you kinda throw your body into an upright, 45 degree leaning-foreward angle and hobble down the hall–if you go fast you can keep up enough momentum to keep from falling

  5. Petala says:

    On the White Mountain shoes, the ones I found were the White Mountain Melina Clog and White Moutain Melrose Clog in different colors here:


    I will let you know if they continue to hold up and not hurt when I walk. I am wearing them in the house and so far no heel pain as long as I keep them on. Leaving in an hour to give them a run for the quality at malls and such. I havent walked at a mall in several years now due to pain. So good place to try them out.

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