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Hashilicious? Not!

Post Published: 01 September 2009
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
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Dear Sandi’s Thyroid,

I cannot believe it’s now been 33-years since we’ve been trying to work things out. You kill my metabolism. I try to revive it.

The roller coaster ride has been a long and hard one. The weight gain is my biggest complaint to you. Why me? Why do you do this to me? I try so hard, but you refuse to let me budge and lose the extra pounds. Do you like to walk around in a puffed up uncomfortable body? I sure don’t.

Each and every doctor I see tries to tell me that if I exercised more, you would respond. How about those triathlons and half marathons we accomplished? Not enough you say? Well the fact that I do have to work for a living in a long, stressful environment makes it harder and harder for you to give me a break.

I learned to breathe through some of the stress. I have become the rock in the river, when it is hard and negative around me. I am sleeping earlier at night. I avoid caffeine when I take my Synthroid. I don’t eat dairy when I take my meds. I don’t eat raw broccoli, cauliflower or brussel sprouts. I don’t eat processed unnatural soy. I take Armour along with my Synthroid. I take supplements to boost my vitamin D and B-12. I take my magnesium and my fish oil. I eat my breakfast daily. I have learned to listen to my body and eat when I am hungry, and stop when I am full. I swim a half mile or walk 4 miles, but it’s still not enough. I have my female hormones balanced with estrogen and progesterone. So, sleep, diet, exercise, hormones, sunshine, medications, what else am I missing?

What more can I do to help you? Thyroid, why don’t you want to help me be a thinner person, so I feel more comfortable, more attractive, and have more energy?

I don’t get it, but I am not going to give up the fight. I studied you for 12 months so I could write a research based article for a national publication. I feel like I know more about you now than ever, yet it is still not enough. I still think I am missing something. I will continue the search.

I will do the things that have become normal to me now -not normal to my peer group- but normal for me. I will strive for more sleep, continued better, consistent diet, more exercise, more stress relief with breathing and meditation. I will strive to continue to reduce my anxiety levels. I don’t know what more I can do.

You are not going to win. Hashimoto’s or not, I will survive!

(Bio) Sandi R is from Alpharetta, GA. She has been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and has battled hypothyroidism for 33 years. Her grandmother had the disease and her mother also has the disease. She seeks out the best in research and applies all that she can. You can follow Sandi on Facebook and visit her blog, Thyroid Joy.

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Reader Feedback

14 Responses to “Hashilicious? Not!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Love it! Sadly, it is all so true…

  2. Yodat says:

    Hi Sandy!
    Loved your letter — keep trying! Sounds like you are doing everything right. Keep it up! One day you will find a combination that works for you.

    on a side note – glad to see the lady in the photo is getting her dose of Vitamin D! LOL 😉

  3. Heather says:

    Beautiful letter Sandi! Thank you!

  4. Erin says:

    Sandi, I can totally relate and am still searching for my lost metabolism. You should have a rockstar body for all the work you do!

  5. Robin says:

    I hear you. If I had a dollar for each time a doctor said “if only you would exercise, your sluggish metabolism would speed up” . It wasn’t sluggish, docs, it wasn’t working.

  6. anita says:

    wow sandi,

    we sound so similar. hashi’s is such a challenge sometimes. seems like we tend to have real problems with weight, don’t we. at least i’ve stayed the same basic size even after i was unable to work out so hard, size 14-15 isn’t huge and yes, i’ve gotten used to it i guess, like it or not.
    like you, i keep on trying. glad to know we’re in it together!

  7. amy says:

    I like the part about striving to get better! i have hashi’s and that is also what I am about. I can make a choice for better health…good or bad that is my call. I choose good!

  8. mom2wildthings says:

    Sounds like we’ve been through some of the same things with our thyroids, Sandy. Hang in there! Some how, we will kick our thyroids butt back into working for us instead of against us.
    Best wishes! {{Hugs}} – Charlene

  9. fisherwife says:

    My doctor said that I need to lose weight. I said that as soon as he put me on meds, I put on the pounds. He said that Grave’s disease is not his idea of a diet. WTF?

    I don’t want to be sick. I don’t want to be fat. I just can’t help noticing that my metabolism turns sluggish when taking methimazole. Obviously, I needed a little slowing down to begin with, but this is ridiculous!

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