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Thyrants October 31st Through November 7th

Post Published: 07 November 2009
Category: Thyrants and Thyraves, Thyroid Symptoms Discussion
This post currently has 8 responses. Leave a comment

If anyone has emailed Katie@dearthyroid.com, Liz@dearthyroid.com or submissions@dearthyroid.com in the past 2 hours (6AM/PST), we have NOT received your emails. Kindly email dearthyroid@gmail.com or katiegirl@gmail.com (that’s my pvt email).

Before we go into this week’s fabulous Thyrants, we wanted to take a minute and properly welcome everyone to the new site and explain why we migrated to DearThyroid.org.

First and foremost, Dear Thyroid is OUR home, it belongs to us. That being said, your feedback is extremely important to us. Whatever we’ve overlooked, please tell us. If you’re having an issue using the site, let us know. If you have any questions, ask. Anything you need/want, we want to do our best to achieve.

We migrated the site, so that we’d have more flexibility. Here’s a few examples: If you scroll your mouse over “Submissions“, you can click submissions. You’ll also see a drop down menu with all of the types of submissions Dear Thyroid accepts. Similarly, we wanted to create a Dear Thyroid Glossary, FAQ‘s and offer more information about us and who we are.

Let’s face it, all of us make up a pretty unique bunch imagine that?!. We thought Dear Thyroid’s brand should reflect our distinctiveness– OUR COLLECTIVE distinctiveness.

We also wanted to offer more resources. As you’ll see, everything isn’t updated under “Resources” yet. But, if you scroll your mouse over resources or click through, you’ll see a drop down menu with the types of resources that we offer. Of course, and as always, we want to hear from you. If we’ve overlooked resources, send over what you feel we’ve left out.

Welcome home!

Now onto this week’s kick ass Thyrants — Excellent and I mean EXCELLENT ranting this week, loverdeedos.


@tobraavery You are sore today and making my throat hurt. This was suppose to be while I was in bed from RAI not back at work. Boo on you.

@tobraavery My throat hurts today from RAI had been ok all week. Not so gland, I mean grand.


Heather Harris Jones Why is my mood so labile? Even my oldest friend tells me she doesn’t know “who she’s gonna get” when she calls me from day to day!

Diane Fama Shit I don’t l know who I am gonna be day to day. LOL. Believe it or not, sometimes I like the craziness I get when I’m not oh-so-depressed; let’s me have an air of mystery about me, hahaha. Oh and it comes in handy when people piss me off too cause now I say exactly what’s on my mind with no regrets. Believe me I hate being sick but I thank god everyday that I can do something about my disease. I got informed and educated and I am actually in better control of things in my life now. If I need to rest, I rest. I’m being selfish now cause I’m worth it — I am hypothyroid so fuck you!!! I need a nap!! Hahahaha

Lisa Johnstone Klebba My thyrant: I thought I had lucked out that my thyroid wasn’t affecting my hair too badly. Huh! Dry, tangly, knotted balls of hair falling out as I shampoo, and I need to condition 3 times in a row all of the sudden. WTF?

Robyn Davis Hahn Why is it every time I have a good day, I overdo it (so excited to be a little manic –I go, go, go like the Energizer bunny)? It’s productive, but then I crash and lose the will to live when it’s over.

Amy Elizabeth Parker My thyrant is a gallrant… having uncomfortable annoying gallbladder pain. WHY? Just go away pain! Seriously!

Pamela Lau Thyrant? Glad you asked! I don’t understand how I can be so F’ing tired so often. Thanks a lot, F’ing thyroid! 😡

Ari Kenney My thyroid just confuses me. I’m eating more but losing weight, sleeping all the time, and have dry skin. Don’t these things contradict each other? Usually I have symptoms of hyper or hypo, not both together.

Natasha Kahn My heart is racing and no amount of yoga breathing seems to be helping!! Is it thyroid or stress or both? No idea but it’s so annoying!! >:

Kit Kellison I went fucking nuts on a downhill drive with the new synthetic slow release T3/T4 combo. Getting my new bumped-up version today… REALLY hoping it keeps me from going fucking homicidal.

Billie Jean Doty Feeling soooo HYPER but last TSH was almost 3 (2.94) Can’t F’ing sleep, can’t f’ing relax, feel like adrenalin is racing thru my body at warp speed-BP’s starting to elevate. Saw sleep doc this a.m. trying me on a new sleeping pill. Looked up side effects when I got to work: heart failure, weight gain. YIPPPEEE!!! But I WANT TO SLEEP THRU THE NIGHT SO BAD I’M WILLING TO TRY THIS CRAP! Seriously, thyroid, can’t I have 1 day of normal already???

Regina Cintron RANT: Dear Thyroid, Did ya have to cause vitamin D deficiency too? You’re freakin’ gone and still causing trouble! Not to mention a clogged salivary gland for trying to be rid of you. Thanks for nothing thyroid.

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Reader Feedback

8 Responses to “Thyrants October 31st Through November 7th”

  1. Lolly says:

    Billie:- I hope you get at least a few nights good sleep nothing worse than not being able to sleep.

    Ari:- cross over symptoms are not unusual in thyroid AI disease, I would book yourself a Lab just to see what is going on the loss of weight would be a warning sign that you could be more hyper than hypo.

    Robyn:- I do exactly the same than find myself crashing and burning that’s just how the cookie crumbles.

    My own Thyrant:- Why does life deal us a crap shoot, when they took you out did they take my emotions with you? with the week and half I’ve had I should be a nervous wreck but instead I got this boundless energy must be the Adrenals kicking in, I wish they’d Kick Ass cus that’s what I would love to do.

  2. Lolly says:

    Forgot to add great Thyrants this week, now if only I knew how to do the bloody things on twitters.

  3. Bee says:

    Thanks Lol………

  4. Bee says:

    hey,guys-detour…help getting an avatar bt my name—where do u find settings ? sorry i’m blog/ PC

  5. dearthyroid says:


    Thanks for chiming in about those Thyrants. I agree with you regarding life…


  6. dearthyroid says:


    You will have Twitter down to a science in no time 🙂


  7. dearthyroid says:


    What’s a PM Edit?

  8. dearthyroid says:


    That is a great question. I’ll look into it and find out how to get those avatars back!

    Thanks for the feedback.


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