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How To Kick Your Thyroid’s Ass: A Thyriffic Foodie Giveaway!

Post Published: 31 January 2010
Category: Column, How To Kick Your Thyroid's Ass
This post currently has 20 responses. Leave a comment

I always love to introduce you to companies that provide their customers with healthy, nourishing, weight-friendly things to eat and cook with. This week is no different, and I am so pleased to bring you a product from one of our thy-ladies, the lovely and generous Beth Young. This product, called Shakeology — a nutritional drink — is not only full of wholesome ingredients, but also, purportedly, can aide in everything from weight loss to energy boosts to defense against colds.

Now, me being the skeptic that I am, I made sure to really look into Shakeology and carefully scoured its ingredients list. I have to say, I am impressed, and that, after all, is pretty difficult to do (impress me, nutritionally). (You can find PDFs of the ingredients lists here). Included in the shake are things like maca, spirulina, flax seed, chia seed, MSM, spinach, sprouted quinoa, green tea extract, wheat grass, a superfruits blend, even probiotics (my fav!), and others, depending on the flavor. Shakeology is also gluten- and caffeine-free, though it does contain dairy and soy; so, be aware — for those watching their intake.

According to Shakeology:
Shakeology is a nutritional protein shake that provides a wide spectrum of healthy nutrients in a low-calorie formula. Whether you use it as a meal replacement for weight loss or simply to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs for optimal health, Shakeology takes the guesswork out of nutrition.

What’s in it?
Shakeology contains over 70 ultra high-quality ingredients conveniently located in one glass, to deliver nearly all the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy diet. It’s good for you—and good for everyone—because everyone’s diet is deficient in some of the key nutrient groups packed into just one Shakeology serving:

– Protein from whey, which is highly absorbable, gives you 8 essential amino acids that help you build muscle, lose weight, support brain function, and keep your skin and bones healthy.
– Vitamins and minerals support optimum health.
– Antioxidants boost the immune system and help reduce free radical damage that can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, blood pressure, and stroke.
– Phytonutrients support immune function and have anti-inflammatory properties. Many phytonutrients have antioxidant properties as well.
– Prebiotics support digestive and immune health.
– Digestive enzymes help in the digestion of foods and increase the absorption rate of those foods for optimum health.

Let me say, I have never used this item myself, so I can’t endorse it. I wouldn’t be able to use it because of the dairy and grain, but in my mind, it’s reading like a wonderful nutrient-dense alternative for those who are busy or too overwhelmed to cook something nutritious. Here’s what Beth, our thyroid lady, Shakeology user and supplier, has to say about it:

I started drinking Shakeology in September 2009 after hearing about the good results it had for other people since it’s release in March 2009. After trying out a few different recipes for the Chocolate flavor, I found a few I liked and began making a shake every morning as my breakfast. A week or two went by and I began to notice that my energy level would pick up within the first 10-15 minutes of drinking it. I didn’t feel jittery like I did when I drink coffee, but I felt energetic, more awake. Funny thing was, I didn’t attribute that to the Shakeology at first because it had become such a part of my routine & my concoctions I made with it tasted so good I had forgotten how good it was for me. A month goes by and I notice my digestive tract is more regular than usual (which hadn’t been the case for awhile due to the side effects of varying thyroid levels) & my energy level continued to stay up for a longer period of time without that big crash you can get from drinking coffee or caffeinated soft drinks. For me, that was reason enough to keep drinking it. Before I would have days that I could barely keep my eyes open while driving into work and/or driving home from work. I have those days less and less often now.

Being hypothyroid, I really didn’t think this drink would help me lose weight, which has been another positive for others that drink it. At most, I have lost a pound or two while drinking Shakeology but I have noticed that I am able to maintain my weight very easily just by drinking it daily. I noticed this after drinking it continually for about two month and, for me, that is a huge positive! I am very close to my “ideal” weight so having something to help me maintain it is very exciting to me. I also use it as an additional way to keep my immune system strong. Although, I have had to fight off a few colds/bugs the past month or so – when I drink Shakeology everyday (along w/ taking my other vitamin supplements recommended by my doctor) I feel like it’s an extra boost to the immune system, which during these winter months is very important. With these positive results after four months of drinking Shakeology, I am happy to share it with others that have thyroid conditions and hopeful that you see many (if not more!) of these same results.

So this week, we’re giving away a gift set from Beth and Shakeology to two lucky readers! To enter, leave a comment explaining why you think you would like Shakeology. If you link this post on Twitter or Facebook, Digg or StumbleUpon, let us know in the comment box and you’ll receive another entry. If you email this post to five friends, and tell us here in the comment box, you’ll get yet another entry. Good luck and spread the word to your friends and family struggling with their weight, or those who may be too busy to cook nutritious food at every meal! The giveaway will close this Saturday at midnight, and the two winners will be chosen by Random.org and announced next week!

(Please note: because Beth is being so gracious and supplying the items for the giveaway herself, entries are open to those who live in the continental U.S. only.)

Until Next Week,

Love Always,


Have a question, comment, story, love letter, or rant/rave to send me?: Liz@DearThyroid.com

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Reader Feedback

20 Responses to “How To Kick Your Thyroid’s Ass: A Thyriffic Foodie Giveaway!

  1. Robyn says:

    The list of ingredients sounds intriguing, I will check it out.

    However, for me, I’ve never been a “shake” person. Regardless of how full I feel, I still yearn for the feel of “food”–chewing, texture, etc.

    Now, if it tastes like a milkshake, I could try to force a few down ! 😉

  2. dearthyroid says:

    What an interesting shake. I just started, a few months ago, making fruit smoothies filled with my supplements. Prior to that, I wasn’t really a shake person.

    I love the ingredients in this shake. I don’t think it’s something I can do either because of the grains/dairy. When I’m back on dairy, I’d love to check it out.

    This is FABULOUS, really exciting.

    Wonderful post, dahlink.

    Thank you, Beth!!!

  3. Cyndi Woodruff says:

    I think it looks fabulous. I love that it’s gluten-free. That’s been my BIG dietary change for the new year and so far, I’m doing great!
    I love the convenience of a shake mix. I have a Whey Protein shake every morning for breakfast. Otherwise, it’s a “meal” I would skip!
    I’d love to try this shake and compare it to the one I currently drink!!

    Thank you!!

  4. Danielle says:

    I am a newly diagnosed Hashi patient. I have struggled with my weight for around 10 years ~ little did I know I had this thyroid condition… My labs were always ‘normal’ Thankfully, I now have an answer to the problems that have been plaguing me for years. This is all new to me, and I know weight loss will continue to be a battle but I have hope that with treatment and dietary adjustment, I will come out on top!

    I am a busy RN – working 2 jobs and taking care of my son and disabled husband. I struggle with the attempt to find nutritious, appropriate foods to eat while I am on the run 6 days a week. Trying this Shakeology will really help me to get the nutrition I need in a very simple way. Id love to give it a try!

    Thank you, kindly!


    P.S. Ill be linking to my FB and sending this to 5 friends as well =)

  5. Ericka says:

    I am intrigued! I am also impressed with the ingredients! I am always weary about trying new things but but am excited to give this a go! I too will be linking to FB and sending it to my friends!!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Ericka Meik

  6. you know i loves my chocolate and bacon and things that are full of preservatives. i’m pretty sure with my food consumption during my life, thanks to said preservatives, i can lie dead in the hot sun for a good week and not rot.

    with that said….i need to change my ways. i will do it kicking and screaming, however, something like this makes it seem a bit easier to do in the long run.

    do they make bacon flavour?

  7. Sherry says:

    This product sounds very interesting. I went to their website to check it out.
    I would be nice if they offered a trial size package but unfortunately they do not.
    I like the convenience of a shake for breakfast before work. Especially one like this that is full of nutrients.

    Thanks so much for sharing this information. I think a lot of people will benefit.

  8. Sherry says:

    Ooops,forgot to add that I linked this to my Facebook.
    Must be my brain fog kicking in today.

  9. Alexia says:

    I would love to try them!!!!!!

  10. Beth Young says:

    Hi everyone! For those that don’t win & are in the US & would like a sample of Shakeology, when you have a free minute go to my website (www.turbobeth.com) & click on the “Contact Me” link under my picture and let me know! I would be happy to send you a sample. 🙂

    Thank you to everyone for your interest…and just a site note from me: I wasn’t a shake person either until this stuff! But I still love chewing food just the same. 😉

    Beth 🙂

  11. Misty says:

    Sounds yummy and very healthy, I think I’ll be trying it since I never have time for breakfast and this is something I could make at work, linked to FB and Twitter.

  12. I would love to try it…I would rather take probiotics this way than in a pill form:)

  13. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by katieschwartz: How to Kick Your Thyroid’s Ass “A Thyrrific Foodie giveaway” http://bit.ly/aBJNza YUM – great read, please pass along, thanks, loveys…

  14. Jody/yodat says:

    This sounds good! I wanna try!

  15. LizSchau says:

    Thanks so much everyone for your answers so far on why you think you’d like it and want to try it.

    Cyndi — love your start-of-the-year enthusiasm! You can do it girl!

    Danielle — wow, so sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Needless to say, you are a busy woman with your hands full — especially with a special needs child and working as an RN. We’re so glad you found Dear Thyroid and please please please connect with our amazing ladies for anything you need during these early stages of your life post-diagnosis.

    Erika — thanks so much!! Sounds great!

    Quin — you and the bacon… it kills me. 🙂 So, maybe be a veggie that eats bacon too?? Seriously… I’m not kidding.

    Sherry — great! Thanks so much for entering and for your input!

    Alexia — got it girl!! 🙂

    Misty — Got it! Great breakfast idea.

    Louise — great point! I know there are some probiotics that come in liquid form, which you can find at the health food store, if you’re interested.

    Jody — yes! Gotcha!

    And Beth, thanks so much again for your generosity and presenting DT with such a cool product!

  16. Allison says:

    Danielle–you deserve the shake more than I do! But I still want to enter. I’m working 60 hours a week this semester (I work in higher ed) and just jet from one thing to the next. It sounds like something I could make and take with me and drink in the car on the go. After reading the book Anticancer and learning how terrific green tea is as a cancer fighter and preventer, I’ve also resolved to drink green tea every day this year (so far, I’m doing quite well with that resolution!), and Shakeology would help me get in that green tea! Good luck everyone!

  17. Tamara says:

    I’ve heard many good things about Shakeology from blogs that I’ve read and through people like Beth Young who support it 100% and endorse the product.

    I’ve tried shakes in the past and haven’t had very good results. Within an hour I’ve felt hungry and wanted to gobble down some food to take the hunger away. After reading more about Shakeology and learning about its ingredients, I’d like to give it a try. Right now I’m on a fresh and mostly organic kick, but sometimes wish that I could have something simpler that would take less time to get together. You wouldn’t believe the amount of time I spend cutting up fruits and veggies and cooking. Using Shakelology would free up some of my time.

    Thanks so much for the opportunity to enter this giveaway. I’m going to e-mail the post to five friends and link it to my facebook and twitter accounts.

  18. LizSchau says:

    Thanks Tamara! Got you entered. Great point on the saving time. You are a busy lady. 🙂

    Will be announcing the winner in just a bit….

  19. Optimum Nutrition is the best bang for your book, and also unbelievably delicious for a protein powder! honestly they’re so good, I like to have them even during non post workout days. double chocolate with milk and banana….mmmmm.. Try to visit http://weight-loss-shake.blogspot.com/ if anybody want more info.

  20. Why whey protein is considered one of the best protein foods for humans. The nutritional characteristics of whey protein are outstanding, but you need to be selective when choosing a whey powder.Try to visit http://www.squidoo.com/best-whey-protein-shakes if anybody want more info.

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