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Thyme For Literary Healing, Differentiating Between Medication Side-Effects and Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism

Post Published: 19 July 2010
Category: Thyme for literary healing, Thyroid Symptoms Discussion
This post currently has 2 responses. Leave a comment

Since diagnosis of thyroid cancer or thyroid disease, or sadly both, have you come to learn the difference between a ‘symptom’ and a ‘side effect’ of medication? As individuals with thyroid diseases and cancers, we want to learn from each other and understand what each of us goes through. Here are a few questions to get us started:

  1. Post diagnosis, can you immediately tell when your body is swinging hypo or hyper?
  2. Since treatment, can you tell when you’re experiencing a side effect from your medication?
  3. Have you tried multiple treatments? If so, what’s worked best for you and why?
  4. How often do you have a full thyroid function blood panel?

Ready? Set. Write.

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2 Responses to “Thyme For Literary Healing, Differentiating Between Medication Side-Effects and Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism”

  1. Donna says:

    1. No, I was in denial, all I cared abiut was being cancer free
    2. I’m learning now that I have chosen to no longer numb myself with anti anxiety meds and be better in tune with my body
    3. Not for my thryoidless disease, endo not willing because of monitoring cancer reoccurence (follicular) but use supplements and vitamins
    4. On an annual basis until recently and now I will do them at least every three months or more if I feel something is not right and that should have been the way all along. My mistake for not being a better advocate for myself and living in denial.

  2. Lisa Stiers says:

    I have started to learn alot now, not because I wanted to but I had too. It’s hard when you have been misdiagnoised for years and years. It was the medical profession at first, then family, so when I finally got an answer to what this was, well I had to research for myself and find answers. I now know I have to know what my body is feeling and I can’t mask it by taking some meds that can harm me far worse. I have to be aware of side effects of the thyroid replacement and know what my numbers should be,not just go by the averages, most of that does fit for most of us anyway. I didn’t expect there could be so many from the disease or meds, boy I know now. I have to know and not bury my head in the sand any longer. So now it’s knowing I need blood test important, having ultra sounds to make sure it hasn’t changed and hoping I won’t need surgery to remove the thyroid gland because of cancer. Another blood test in a few weeks. Since they told me I had hashimotos I learned that there a whole list of knew side effects and complication there. Not my idea of fun reading but it’s educational neverless. Now it’s trips to the doctors and hoping I rememebered to write everything down, it’s looking out for me by myself. I found we all have to take interest in our own illness because if we don’t something important will be over looked, I know my doctors never explained just how important this gland is and all what it controls, which is pretty much everything. Grrrrr! Lol just had to complain a little! So now it’s oh this is knew and wonder ok is it the disease or is it something else, life in thyroidville. Not the neighborhood I expected it to be!

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