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Goodnight, My Sweet Thyroid

Post Published: 11 August 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 8 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Thyroid,

I am trying to love what’s left of you. I am so sorry for how our relationship has gone in the past.

The family history made me think I knew everything I needed to know; grow a goiter -> have it removed -> take a pill every day -> problem solved!

Holy crap was I naïve, sadly misinformed, and seeing doctors who I now consider incompetent when it comes to endocrine and autoimmune diseases.

Maybe, if I’d known then what I know now I could have saved most of you from being cut out of my throat. But, would you still have grown the cancerous nodule? Maybe I would have needed to have you removed anyway.

Maybe the last 10 years of my life wouldn’t have been spent drowning in misery suffering from practically every hypo symptom possible because I trusted my endo when he said my blood work was “normal”. I still have a small part of you in me.

So here’s the deal; If you promise not to grow that little nodule any bigger, I promise to fix the rest of my hormonal mess (are you listening to this my lovely adrenals??!!) and live as healthy a lifestyle as I can, so that the little pill I take every day will do its job.

I’m still a work in progress but I feel better now and I have a fantastic nurse practitioner who listens to me and orders the right tests. So don’t worry, my broken butterfly. You just rest and sleep like a good little piece of thyroid and let me keep working on getting better.


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8 Responses to “Goodnight, My Sweet Thyroid”

  1. Farren:
    It is a shock, isn’t it? We think, are often told, “you’ll be great when this is gone”… spiral into hell, at least for me, and it would seem for you, was more like it. I was not prepared for the worst… and how it got to be more than that.
    BUT, things begin to change, with PROPER care, tests and medication. When we are being heard, not just by the numbers on our bloodwork, but my our voices or how we look — our body almost screams out LOOK AT ME! Doctors, pay close attention here, cause a pissed off hypo gal ain’t all that fun to begin with, one you’ve cut open, diagnosed with cancer, and sent further into HYPO hell well we can simply be a BITCH to deal with… so get it right huh? Then we’ll all get along just fine.

    Keep on taking good care of you… and do know, that with the RIGHT care and the magic in the RIGHT medication, it can begin to turn around…

    • Faren says:

      Thanks Christine,
      It’s truly a shame so many of us have to hit what seems like rock bottom before we take control and search for the answers ourselves. Then comes the time spent searching for a practitioner who will listen. Thank goodness for the internet and groups like Dear Thyroid.

  2. Donna says:

    Thanks for the great letter, I feel for you. It can be overwhelming at times.

    They truly don’t prepare us survivors of what to look out for being either hypo or hyper. I wasted time and money treating symptoms that never really went away. Now I’m chasing the rainbow because I see light at the end of the tunnel. I’m on top of this disease. I have a new internist that believes that if your levels are out of whack then pretty much everything else is. Finally, someone who gets it!

    I hope we all get the medical care we deserve. We need to make ourselves a priority and speak up for ourselves. We can get there from here.

    Good luck. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.


    • Faren says:

      Donna, thank goodness for the practitioners who do get it! They deserve a special award for turning our lives back around!

  3. Amanda says:

    It is a great letter, thank you for writing it. I hope that you keep writing letters and letting the frustration out. It really is a big tangled mess, thyroid disease. I find physicians assistants and nurse practitioners to be great, much more on our level and human.


  4. Lolly says:

    Faren great letter they don’t prepare you for hypo, Lucky for me or maybe not so lucky I knew what to expect was under no illusion that it would be an easy ride.

    Here’s hoping that your left over thyroid starts behaving.


  5. Lori says:

    Farren – sorry that you experienced incompetent medical care, but I’m so glad you are now knowledgeable and can take back your life. Hopefully before long you won’t feel so much like a work in progress and can make up for some of those lost years.

  6. Donna says:

    What a beautiful letter. I’ve been going 8 yrs now since symptoms began. Didn’t get proper treatment till 3 yrs ago. My 30’s were supposed to be the years I traveled. People think I’m nuts I haven’t gone many places. But I’ve been sick for so long. Also I’ve had almost every single hypo symptom too. Except one (lot of good that one did me as I hardly ever left the house to meet anyone *ahem*).

    Hugs, Farren. 🙂

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