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Immune System, Just Who Do You Think You Are?

Post Published: 10 September 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 4 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Immune System,

Seriously? Hashimoto’s? Really? Look, I know I didn’t pay a lot of attention in anatomy or biology, but this should be innate for you! Let me introduce you to someone.

Thyroid . . . Immune System.

Immune System . . . Thyroid.

Now listen up immune system, LEAVE THYROID ALONE! It’s just trying to do its job and keep me sane and healthy. Creating antibodies to attack it is not helping! Thyroid is an important part of me. This little butterfly that you’ve been picking on helps keep me sane, awake, and overall healthy. If you continue messing with her; I have to introduce foreign hormones to keep myself functioning.

What do I need to do to make you happy so you’ll leave my thyroid alone and allow it to heal itself? Or maybe even cause you to reverse direction and start helping my thyroid to heal up? (A girl can hope right?)

Can you PLEASE leave her alone? The hubs (you’ve met him right? That hot guy who hangs around all the time? Yea, that’s him.) has finally agreed to start discussing having children soon. I’m really REALLY going to need her to be fully functioning when we get pregnant and while we’re pregnant (OH! And don’t attack the baby either!).

Look, here’s the deal. I’ll try to figure out what you need/want/desire to keep you happy and I’ll give it to you. However, you have to hold up your end of the bargain! You have to leave my poor thyroid alone and allow it to function correctly.

Leave it in peace! Deal?


I’ve long suspected that my hypothyroidism was Hashimoto’s in nature. At my appointment with my endocrinologist today, he confirmed it. On the one hand it was a relief to have that confirmation. On the other hand, I’m scared shitless. I knew I was going to be on medication for the rest of my life, but my body attacking itself? Really? I’m 30 y/o and been married for almost 2 years. We’re finally in a place where children may be a possibility and I might be able to realize my life long dream of being a wife and a mom.

I know it’s not a letter to my thyroid, but I needed to spill my wrath on someone, and my thyroid (apparently) doesn’t deserve it.

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4 Responses to “Immune System, Just Who Do You Think You Are?”

  1. jillautumn says:


    Excellent letter! I’ve been misdirecting my wrath for quite some time, but I believe you are right. I have multiple autoimmune disorders and have been blaming the organs that are just as much a victim in this as I am.

    I just turned 32 and want you to know that with having both Graves and Hashimotos, as well as a few other added medical mumbo jumbos, I was able to have three beautiful children. Don’t let anything get in your way!

    Stay strong.


  2. HDinOregon says:

    Hello Em,

    Wonderful dialogue between your thyroid and your immune system. I like the point-of-view.

    I wish you all the best and good luck with your further hashi treatment. May your wishes come true soon. (And, of course, we all expect an invitation to the baby shower).

    We’re keeping our fingers crossed for you,
    hand in there,


  3. Em says:

    Thank you Jill! That’s encouraging to read that it’s not all lost! I know it’s not, but I have my doubts at times.

    HD! As soon as I know, I’ll put your baby shower invite in the mail! 🙂 Thank you for the well wishes.

    Thank you both for your kind words and support.

  4. Lisa Stiers says:

    I love this, I also have hashimoto’s and have had for longer than I knew, you put alot of what I feel into words! Thank you for that. Never thought of having the two diseases talk to each other that is simply beautiful. Keep up the good fight, we all support you!

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