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The Beast, The Thyroid, And The Princess

Post Published: 24 September 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 6 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Thyroid,

You may have noticed I am talking about you to random people. I am finding the reactions I have been getting very interesting. I would say that 9 out of 10 people have never heard of you in the way you mess up lives. Mostly nobody knows what Graves is. Interestingly enough, people do know about synthroid and either takes it for something else or knows someone who takes it

How is it you are still in the closet?

We know the numbers, we know you ruin lives. How is it that nobody digs to find the reasons! Just how many people have closed their eyes, closed their ears, and pretended you were anything but what you are.

What could friends, family, strangers, and medical people think was happening to good honest people who are in their lives, and hurting, and struggling to cope in a world that denies you exist.

… Existing in your troubling sick way.

Who will unlock this prison? Free the captive victims from these inconceivable afflictions. Covering every square inch of their internal functions and mental cohesiveness.

Well, I will keep talking about you and learning about you until you get exposed for what you are. I’m not going to help hide the hideous effects you have on a person’s life. Somehow, you have managed to keep this terrible dark secret. Like a member of our own family who destroys our lives and hides within us like a coward.

Show YOUR face, beast. Somehow, we must unlock these crimes and enlighten the truth. For it is the TRUTH that WILL SET US FREE!

Written by, Linny

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6 Responses to “The Beast, The Thyroid, And The Princess”

  1. Amanda says:


    I love this… especially :

    Who will unlock this prison? Free the captive victims from these inconceivable afflictions. Covering every square inch of their internal functions and mental cohesiveness.

    Spot on! Exactly how I feel.


  2. Lolly says:

    Well said Linny, how true people may have heard of the thyroid but have no idea what it does some may not even know where it is even in the body, had one person say yeah it’s that thing in the brain, yeah well right it certainly effects the brain. Thank fook they didn’t think it was the prostrate.

    Why is it, that is still the invisible disease brushed off as if it really isn’t as important or maybe not as other diseases are but yet still has the ability to turn our lives upside down.

    Telling people you have Graves disease “what’s that then”.. “do you want flowers or a donation” because it feels like you’re 6ft in it with no shovel to dig yourself out.

    great letter.


  3. Linny says:

    Dear Amanda and Lolly thanks for your imput! We have to get this out there ~

    It is a lot like being underground Lolly. What only 6 ft under? LOL

    Well people are sleep walking these days. It never ceases to interest me how the world is blind to so many things. Many go to the Dr. never question the Dr.s they see, or the medicine they take.
    We no longer can be this trusting. I believe you can still find the Dr.s who care, but finding them and having insurance for them is the hard part.

    We need to take charge of our life.
    Speak up , and we need to learn so we can ask good questions. Here at DL we can do this.
    Share share share…..
    We will get the message out.

    Somehow thru all the sh——dirt we will send up a message. Ground Hogs Day we WILL COME OUT AND SHOW THE LIGHT OF DAY!!!

    Love you guys so much, Linny PS {help me thru winter please}

  4. Mary says:

    Linny in a way were half way out of the closet. We are no longer housed in Mental Hospitals like we were but thanks to Dr. Robert Graves he got us a treatment or two but like so many things they thought that was all that was needed. Having had GD for over 30yrs I’ve come to the conclusion we as patients need to educate our docs either with a daily journal of what we go thru and eye to eye contact with that doc explain its also up to the medical field to raise awareness especially since its no longer considered a rare illness. And if that particular endo doesn’t respomd I really enjoy letting them know they are not the only one around. We need endos to sponsor GD support groups everywhere. They have the power money and friggin corporations behind them. Its something I’m working on here in Wyoming and Montana. You really expressed how aweful it feels to have this dis-ease very well done. Thank you Mary

  5. Linny says:

    Dear Mary,
    Thank you for your support. It is time to push until we meet the answers. It is scary to think people just like us, not that long ago were treated like they were.
    I think it has been painful enough that we have endured so much without support from family and friends.
    I hope we all can be out there and not afraid to open up and educate the public to GD and the other such types yet unknown and not~ understood by most.
    I believe I read 5.5 million suffer with thyroid malfunction and Cancer. I find it appalling that Doctors are serious when they tell thyroid Cancer patients that they have the “good cancer” !!! WHAT THE HELL DO THEY MEAN GOOD< I DIDN"T KNOW ANY CANCER WAS GOOD. Is this a "different death"??????? I would hit the person who said that to me or someone I love!
    So where are we. Who is going to change this mess and get it right and treat us right.
    Thank you so much Mary for all you are doing in the areas where you can. Get well Linny

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