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Cold When it’s Hot and Hot When it’s Cold… Sound Familiar?!

Post Published: 04 November 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 9 responses. Leave a comment

I sleep shiver cold
Two quilts and a wool blanket
I sleep toasty warm

My other half still
Sweats and sleeps with just a sheet
And sometimes a fan

That’s how you describe
Thyroid disease day and night
And between the sheets

Mike is 37 years old and has lived with nobody-knows-why-type of hypothyroidism for almost 11 chilly years now.  (Brrr) Follow Mike on Twitter.

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9 Responses to “Cold When it’s Hot and Hot When it’s Cold… Sound Familiar?!”

  1. Amanda says:

    That is me. Both descriptions. I am either melting hot or freezing cold. Love thyroid disease and its control over our temps!


  2. MollyH78 says:

    So true it is. When I had my thyroid, it was a given that I bring a sweater where ever I go summer, winter whatever. But now that I do not have one, my husband is taken back because I am usually sweating when he is cold. I never know how to dress for any occasion, bedroom included. Or if I should bother putting make-up on or not. Never know if it will be worth the effort, just to have it melt off my face. Why bother drying my hair since it will be soaked within the next 30 minutes. I have to get used to this new norm I guess, and bring a bag, of seasonal clothing and towels, where ever I go.

  3. Melissa Travis says:

    Love your haiku! Dress in layers! I’m forever getting my four leggeds to snuggle with me to warm me up!

    Love the post!

  4. Donna says:

    No thyroid for 3 yrs now.. I don’t really remember what it felt like to be warm.. I should be warm with the amount of meds I take I should be hyper … I take mega dose to keep cancer at bay… but to no avail.. cold is it.. and yes I sleep with layers of blankets.. but always have.. Only when it is really warm to I feel the heat.. so i cannot relate to hot when it’s cold.. but I will look for that as winter is here now to see if that changes for me..

  5. yer my other half has hot sweats guys and he wondered what it was he is waiting for the rai soon and hes on sum different thyroxine hes hot one min then cold so it much be the norm then with this bloody arfull condtion poor people who suffer with this feel so sorry for you why cant all the bad people like murderers etc have some og it sorry but its so annoying that good honest people suffer

  6. kslater says:

    oooh sunshine, I know how you feel. I caught a usual chill the other night, so bad, I had to take a hot shower, then it was dreading walking to the bed, only to have the sheets send me off to freeze land again. I cant stand it!!! My sweetie lays next to me, sweating~me shaking. Its crazy. But my so called endocrinologist says your levels are fine. Im looking for another endo as we speak. Im tired of being tired, sick of being cold one second, melting the next. Its insane.

  7. Judanna says:

    Dear Synthroid,
    I lived being cold always, the rainy, cold days always chilled me to the bone. I once said I was afraid of the cold as I would remember leaving my toasty warm apartment only to pull all my chest muscles as I would be trying to get my safety belt on in my car & I would sit there paralyzed with fear unable to catch my breath as my muscles would simply freeze until they were good & ready to let go. So, by the time it happened a 2nd time, I knew to inhale as deep as possible right away so that I felt in some control knowing that it would pass eventually. Maybe I could free up a hand to start the car, put on the heat, I would welcome the little shallow breaths, they would be enough until it passed.
    26 years of Synthroid, Levels on paper, who has time to hear a story ? Cold feet, but sweating at the same time ? Wondering why people complained when it was 100F? As I was cool calm & collected. After all my normal temperature was 97.3F & sometimes lower. So, for me 99.3F was a Fever.
    “Do you hear me ? I’m hot really hot,I feel feverish, I don’t care what that damn magic wand says. If you stick it in my mouth, it says 95.9F. If you stick it under my arm it says 96.6, If you stick it in my ass it says 100F . WTF ? Do I care ? I can’t swallow. . . .Next day the RASH. . . STREP w/ a rash. . . that’s Scarlet Fever. . . all in 24hrs. ?
    On day in the Spring of 2008 I finally tried Armour thyroid. 24 hours later I was hiking. He (aka. Mr. Polar Bear) turns to me & tells me he’s cold. I said , “What are you crazy ? ” that wind feels delicious.
    How come I never sweated in the summer ?

  8. Linny says:

    This cold we feel is painful. It is not likened to the cold I felt skiing and on the chair lift to the top of the mountain.
    This cold is wicked, it goes thru to the bone and is pain.
    The winter is coming. In this area we will have wind chills below zero. As beautiful it is to see a fresh snowfall I know that layers and layers of clothes is my only measure to stay normal temp.
    A few years back we invested in an outdoor hot tub. I can set it to 104. I go in all year round unless the wind is too awful for my face. I wear hats. I usually go in when its dark, I love the stars. This is the one thing that has helped me with joints and needing a boost to my body and soul.
    We have a small one. I like it that way. It heats up faster and cheaper. I can cover it myself. It’s a hop and a skip back inside.
    Summers I have a window air unit, I can keep my room as chilly as I need it. I cannot perspire properly. It also helps my sleep aphea. Working to give me brisk air to remind me to breath. So much better than my CPap to which I struggle terribly to feel human.
    Armour is helping!
    I switched late summer. I do not know how much yet but I do see a difference.
    Downside;the Armour does not break down well. I read to add a little sugar when taking to aid effectiveness. I discovered a trick to share. I drop the pill in a shotglass of pop (soda) . It fizzes and disolves. So 2 birds for a stone. (don’t get that ~but u know what I mean}
    Hope I helped somebody. Thes are some of the tricks I’ve learned to keep myself going. love, Linny

  9. Hypogirl says:

    Mike, you are reminding me that winter is coming- winter is coming. I seem to do ok in the Summer. I tend to like it a little warm and am not bothered by it at all. Hubby can’t stand the heat. However, in the winter- I am actually cold cold cold! I could use some extra blankets and my hubby jumps to the ceiling every time my feet touch his! They are just too chilly. But they can’t get warm until I put them near something warm! It’s a lose lose situation. You hit the nail right on the head with your poem.

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