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Dear Thyroid- Thanksgiving Holiday letter

Post Published: 18 November 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 21 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Thyroid,

Well, I’ll be! We finally know what’s wrong with you. Of course, I’ll have to go to the doctor to confirm my self-diagnosis, but that is just a formality.  If DeeDee, my sister has it, then so do I: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. I have at least twice as many symptoms as she does. And it would be like both of us to have a disease with such an innocuous name like Hashimoto’s. Couldn’t we get a name for our issues that invokes a stronger sympathetic reaction, something that sounds a little scarier, life-threatening even? Hashimoto’s sounds like a rash. I think we deserve at least that much, after all we’ve suffered.

Lazy and Crazy. That’s what we’ve been accused of being for as long as I can remember. Now, don’t you think they all feel bad, knowing what you’ve been through, Thyroid? Attacked by your own body! Imagine! We are not lazy; we are in a losing battle, our energy pilfered by antibodies. We are not crazy; our hormones are raging against weapons of the destruction. Panic Attacks? Well, of course we are panicking. The campaign to invade our mood-stabilizing organ is in full swing. Depression? Fatigue? Let them try getting up in the morning after spending sleepless nights with a cold ass and cold feet. Clean the house for holiday-company? Sure, just as soon as I take my thyroid medication for my autoimmune disease, thank you very much.

Next week, as we sit down to our Thanksgiving feast, I will raise my glass to Mr. Hashimoto, though his name is mild, and give thanks for his genius discovery of all that ails me and my sister. Though I am beat down, I am vindicated. Though I may lose my mind every so often, I am validated. Because of Hashimoto, the war inside me will be sedated.

They want you to clean up after dinner? No, no. Sorry. Your Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is flaring up. Poor Thyroid, I think you should go take a nap.

Warm Holiday Wishes,


(Bio): I am a 37-year-old mother, educator and writer living in Franklin, Tennessee. I have an appointment to have my thyroid checked in two weeks. Check out Sarah’s blog.

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21 Responses to “Dear Thyroid- Thanksgiving Holiday letter”

  1. Amy says:

    Great letter, Sarah. A bit humorous and all too true. I love the bit about the name. People have no clue what Hashimotos is. It seems as though it has not taken you creative writing ability away. Holiday blessings, Amy

  2. HDinOregon says:

    Hello Sarah,

    What a wonderful letter! Superbly written! Great read! Thanks for posting it.


    P.S.: As to naming, I think the cake (or should it be pumpkin pie?) definitely goes to those of us who have that gravely Graves disease, don’t you think? – Though Hashimoto has a certain far eastern ring to it.

    I myself cannot claim a spiffy name for mine, it was just “thycan”.(Why does that remind me, that I need to take the bottles and cans to the dump and recycling place).

  3. Scott Rose says:

    Sarah; Your letter is so appropriate at this time of year. There is no bigger turkey than Hashimoto. Affectionately yours in toxic anti-bodies, Scott Rose

  4. Amanda says:

    Good luck with the appointment, I hope you are listened to, heard and understood. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I don’t have Hashimoto’s, but I know the struggles Graves Disease is giving me. Dreading the holiday’s.


  5. Sue McCallum says:

    This is a great blog, giving some levity to a disruptive, often misdiagnosed disease.

  6. Lisa says:

    Bravo! Well said.


  7. Linny says:

    and I like it too! Why does so much illness always afford others the chance to call us lazy? If they knew the truth, we are anything BUT lazy. If we really gave into this disease we would be flat on our backs most the time. It requires great effort to get anything done! And oh what a price we pay if we’ve done too much…..sigh, if they only knew.
    GRAVES…..the walking talking dead.
    For all these thyroid illnesses no matter what name they’ve earned, it is a test of remarkable courage to endure the body, mind, insults as well the onlookers.
    Hope you get the right doze right off…..bless your Holidays dear one, Linny

  8. Chrissie says:

    Very funny! How great is that to be able to blame an on going lethargic idiosyncasy on Hashimoto! On a more serious note, I know the problems that my lack of a thyroid has caused me1 I hope that you get a good diagnosis and that you feel energized enough to do the dishes for me at Christmas. Love you, Chrissie.

  9. Talitha says:

    Hey Sarah,
    I thought I might have this too until I got to the part about “spending sleepless nights with a cold ass and cold feet”, but I’m quite warm in bed.
    Oh well, I must just have problems 🙂

  10. Great letter, Sarah. My mom has Hashimoto’s, and I’ve been wondering about myself. . .might need to get that doctor’s name from ya.

  11. Great support for Sarah – You guys rock, you know that.

    Speaking for myself, I never compare diseases. I always fear that I’m marginalizing others experience of their disease. Sadly, each of our journeys are pretty damn bad – not all, but some. We LOVE good stories; stories about quick diagnoses and patients feeling like their old selves. Sadly, we don’t often receive those letters. We love and appreciate when someone has the courage to share their story in the words. I think we each learn a little more about each other and our own diseases. We also create more awareness, all of which is important, I think.

    Graves/Cancer/Hashimoto’s – they can all be deadly. I think the greatest misconception; the myth we must dispel is that each is 100% treatable and treatable without repercussion.

    My two cents. What do you think?

    Thanks for writing this beautiful letter.


    We hope that you’ll consider writing and submitting your own DEAR THYROID LETTER http://dearthyroid.org/submissions/submission-guidelines-dear-thyroid-letter

  12. kate says:

    I have survived my own “diagnosis” and can promise there is power in knowing. – Kate

  13. Linny says:

    I am THANKFUL for ALL my new friends of Dear Thyroid. All of you know how hard it is to be one of us. It is not the “name” it’s given, it’s the way it has separated us from the rest. I am so comforted by the support and understanding from all of you! Love, Linny

  14. Sarah B says:

    I’ve struggled with this for 60 years! Thank you!

  15. Sarah B says:

    I’m married to Hashimoto. He also has cold feet. Sonja

  16. Charlie Rheo says:

    I truly believe that everyone should ask their physicians to perform T3 and T4-thyroid hormone level tests during their annnual physical. Having a baseline allows the physician to act fast and diagnose issues relating to thyroid disorders. I found the following site thyroiddisorders.com to be helpful too.

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